Quaglione’s Tweet About a Donut

Ohhhh Republicans…..please……please vote him out.
When you have a camera, you never say, “Checking cameras.”
You check the camera, you take photos on your phone and and you share them to your neighbors and everyone whose got your back. I know that’s what we all do because I have shared, been asked to share my footage and received a lot of videos from neighbors and friends.
Quaglione knows his opponents are adults – they aren’t going to “throw a donut at his door.”
Heidi and Bob were both sympathetic towards Quaglione.

I’m not sympathetic towards Quags tweets!

I am annoyed that John Quaglione chose not to stand up to his party when they tried to push Avery Pereira, the District Leader in Sunset Park off the ballot. Quaglione is not a good district leader and needs to SIT DOWN! (Info about that here)
I don’t know Avery Pereira, but he’s a good district leader. They wanted to get rid of him because he didn’t support who they wanted him to support.
I spent some time campaigning in Red Hook today to hear issues in voters mind. This is the forgotten neighborhood of our district and it will no longer be forgotten. The Democrats have destroyed this area and Establishment Republicans refuse to come here. That must end! pic.twitter.com/1av1SB5Uvv
— Avery Pereira (@AveryPereira) June 12, 2021
Avery spoke his mind on who he thought was the best candidate. Avery takes his job as a district leader seriously – see video above. That’s what a district leader is supposed to do, Mr. Quaglione.
Politics aside, Avery is just an awesome person!
As I was campaigning last night, a homeless veteran came up to me to tell me his story. It was heartbreaking to hear that is a widowed veteran with two daughters. Those who fought for our nation deserve every resource to never live on the streets. We need to do better.
— Avery Pereira (@AveryPereira) June 13, 2021
Years ago, Quaglione tried to gain office through a backroom deal (see here). I am tired of the nonsense AND donuts. We have bigger issues to deal with!
Quaglione should know better by now – the Democrats love playing with him because he gets agitated and then he tweets! And they cheer and laugh because they find that entertaining.

Early voting starts tomorrow…..vote for Bob Cassara and Heidi “Hei Man” Chan. Let’s get them powering up this community and stop the silliness!
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