Are There Lobbyists Behind the Sound Cameras?

Ben Brachfeld reported about “noise cameras” which Senator Gounardes wants to monitor our area. (See here)
It’s interesting that Brachfeld reported about this as the NYS Senate session is ending soon and I don’t think this is on the calendar. If Ben Brachfeld researched this topic, wouldn’t he have looked into when the Sleep Legislation was being brought to the Senate floor?
I think this is just Senator Gounardes’ way of stuffing the newspaper with a story. Shouldn’t Gounardes have been more concerned with the 3rd Avenue Truck Route that was mentioned in the paper today, instead of this nonsense?
People are running around freely shooting guns at other during the day time and Senator Gounardes is concerned about using “noise cameras.” Why? Is there a lobbyist company pushing these noise cameras?
Ben Brachfeld failed to mention in his article that ShotSpotter was added to our area without any politician speaking about it. (See here) Why didn’t Senator Gounardes let people know? Every few weeks a new one appears and people ask what it is.
In our area, the camera lights are not effective. How do we know? We see how drivers avoid camera lights by using blocks that don’t have them. Why don’t politicians see that?
We have politicians like, Brad Lander are repeat offenders of camera lights. (See here) Someone outside of the company and these government offices needs to do a real study and see if these cameras are effective before NYC purchases any more.
Finally, Brooklynites should be very weary of any politician referring “new technology” to the area “to help us.” Eric Adams and Justin Brannan pushed a drone bill for lobbyists even during the pandemic. (See here)
Are there lobbyists behind the “noise cameras?” I’m not sure. But I ask because Verra Mobility, the company that has the NYC contract for cameras lights has lobbied Councilman Justin Brannan under the name American Traffic Solutions for two years.

It’s interesting that NYC allows lobbyists to list alternate names for the company when their contract was secured with the city under “Verra Mobility.”
Why would American Traffic Solutions spend the time and money to lobby a Councilman in an areas where there were already red light cameras?

The company put down “Relationship Building” with Councilman Justin Brannan.

Brannanites, if you want to see this information in the NYC Lobbyist Database – go here. On the top left, where it says “Search by Client” type American Traffic Solutions in the box and then go down to the dark blue button at the bottom that says Select Targets. Type Justin Brannan, search, click on his name when it comes up to select him and then the orange button to Submit.
We’ve seen these two politicians work together before when someone greased the wheel and it wasn’t good! (See here)
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