The Beat the Dead Horse Award Goes to Chris McCreight and Ed Mullins
After an election, there are always some people who keep beating the dead horse. Even if their candidate won, they just keep going on and on…
This week’s dead horse beating award goes to Chris McCreight and Ed Mullins.
Ed Mullins wrote an opt ed to question who Max Rose appealed to (See opt ed) Who cares? Nicole Malliotakis won and Mullins should be celebrating that victory….but some people don’t know how to be happy.
This week, Chris McCreight published an article in the paper where he pondered the topic of Bay Ridge being a Republican Stronghold. WHO CARES?
McCreight didn’t want to tell Bay Ridge that Andrew Gounardes and Justin Brannan took money from a developer at Angel Guardian, but he wants to hold the position District Leader.
Chris McCreight should have stepped down from his position as District Leader as he wasn’t able to do the one job of a district leader -> provide a suitable and honest candidate who isn’t in a developer’s pocket.
McCreight is Chief-of-Staff for Justin Brannan and when I tried to wrote to him about corruption, he pretended he didn’t know what I was talking about. Corruption involves a lot of players and supporters.
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