Cafe World Tips & Cheats
Cafe World is a semi-addicting game in FaceBook. The objective is to set up a cafe, feed your customers and keep a top rating of 105.
I managed to do well in the game using these tips:
1) Lock the waiters/waitresses into the center of your cafe. Don’t be afraid to put extra seats outside of the circle they are in. As you can see from the pic above, I have tables on the far right. Those customers get magically served and the tables get magically cleared.
2) Choose foods which take many hours. Those foods can also sit that many hours before they go bad. That’s why you will see many beginners cooking the turkey or the gingerbread houses.
3) If you have no food to serve, remove the doors to your cafe (YES, it’s strange, but it works) by clicking on the door and dragging it down to the bottom where the items are located until you have food again. If your cafe is open and customers come in when you have no food, your rating goes down.
4) You have to be in your cafe for your rating to go up. 105 is the highest.
5) Each table needs one chair, make sure that all tables and chairs are accessible or your score will go down.
6) You can get a lot more bonuses if you add more friends. If your friends don’t play cafe world, you can find some online through FB. Add yourself to the Cafe World FB pages. Just do a search for Cafe World and go to each page and become a fan. Then leave a message and tell everyone to add you.
If you play cafe world, you will see that some people are always serving food and you can’t figure out how they are serving so much and doing better than you. Well, they are probably using this cheat for Cafe World – Cafe World Bonus Checker. The Bonus Checker will allow you to collect plenty of gifts that your friends have left but you probably missed. It’s a great way to get some backup dishes. To get to the Cafe World Bonus Checker: When you are in FB, do a search in the upprer right side for Cafe World Bonus Checker. When you see a bonus click on it once to claim the bonus, then close the window and go on to the next.
There is also this cheat for Yoville, Farmville, Mafia Wars and Farmville. To get to it go to the search area in the upper right side in Facebook and put Mafia Wars Bonus Checker or Farmville Bonus Checker or Yoville Bonus Checker.
I am looking for cheats Sorority Life and the Sorority Life Bonus Checker, but I haven’t found one yet. Sorority Life is actually a fantastic game, but I know there has to be better cheats and bonus checkers for that game as well because there is this chick named Starry who has like 5000+ votes everyday, while everyone else has barely 100. If you know where I can find this games cheats, let me know.
Topics: Brooklyn | 2 Comments »
February 7th, 2010 at 12:48 am
Okay Im trying to get to cafe world bonus checker, when i put it in facebook search, nothing comes up except peoples own secrets what am i doing wrong
February 9th, 2010 at 7:44 am
This is the cafe world bonus checker: