Six Million Dollars Was Given out Today…But Not a Dime to Help the Homeless in Bay Ridge

On October 28, 2020, the property known as St. John Church at 9818 Ft Hamilton Parkway, was sold for $2,500,000.
The Bay Ridge Community Development Center (BRCDC) purchased the building and renovated the inside – it looks nice.
Today, Councilman Justin Brannan handed this organization a check for six million dollars. (News here)

Why would our community put more than two times the amount of money into a private organization? This property is not owned by NYC.
How did an organization that has only been set up for a short time get six million dollars when there are so many needs in Bay Ridge?
Tonight, Councilman Brannan’s staffer, Gabrielle, announced it at the Community Board 10 Meeting. Why didn’t people clap over the news? Not even Josephine or the Chair of CB 10 clapped. (See Youtube – 13:27)
In 2021, we saw Brannan quietly give Maimonides Hospital money after he was lobbied. (Info here) Maimonides invested in MCU Park in Coney Island, so our community money should not have been given to them. (Info)
Brannan gave NIA over a million dollars for an office renovation. (Info here) That property is not owned by NYC either.
Why didn’t Justin Brannan bring the check to Dyker Heights to immediately fix the street to stop the flooding into people’s homes? It was awful to hear tonight that these residents STILL have not received help with the city water and sludge backing up into their basements – OVER A YEAR LATER. (See here)
Why didn’t Councilman Brannan use some of the money to help the homeless that have been riding on the R train in Bay Ridge for years?
Why didn’t Bay Ridge purchase some buildings for senior housing – this is six million dollars!!
Why wasn’t the money used on 86th Street to rent a spot for preteens and teens to play basketball and other games? That’s the kind of center the community needs. BRCDC hosts political events like this so it wouldn’t be a center for the community.
The senior center across the street from BRCDC is city owned. Why wasn’t six million put into that building?

People in our area have been overcharged in property taxes for years. To see six million dollars appear for an organization before a city council election is not alright. More people should be speaking out against this!
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