Ying Tan is Connected To Her Neighbors & Is Running for NYC Council – District 43

Ying Tan is running for NYC Council in District 43. I am impressed that her campaign is a lot different than the usual politicians.
Watch the video above, she’s making sauce with her neighbor!
That is how we bring communities together – by sharing culture!

The other day, Ying Tan brought a commode seat for a resident in the area who needed one. (No politician has taken action like that! See here) The area has a lot of seniors so Ying Tan could be a big help to them!

Ying Tan is a mother and that means she is very concerned about schools and safety! (See her website)
In July when a storm in Dyker Heights took down trees, Ying Tan went out to help her neighbors. (Storm info)
There is a fundraiser for Ying Tan on Thursday evening!

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