Where’s the Traffic Study for the 86th Street School That CM. Brannan Promised Bay Ridge?

School is opening in a few weeks. Yet, Councilman Brannan hasn’t provided Bay Ridge with the traffic study for 86th Street and 7th Avenue.

Councilman Brannan likes to make a lot of graphics like these, but will he keep his word to the community?

For the past few weeks, parents have been expressing concerns about traffic near this school and the new school on 3rd Avenue, but the politicians are not answering their concerns.
Traffic maps from Spectrum News and Channel 7 News show the traffic in that area. (See here or here)

NYC’s Crashmap shows that the area has problems. (See here) You can see previous years by pulling down the year on the right.
Councilman Brannan likes to add new schools, but he doesn’t work collaboratively with the community in setting up the school, so the school doesn’t have what families want. (See here) Schools are stronger when parents have input.
Councilman Brannan didn’t answer Community Board 10’s questions about safety at the new high school. There are already three schools on that street! CB 10 voted against the high school for that reason. Councilman Brannan overrode the Community Board. (Info) Brannan will be out of office when the high school is built.
In June, NYS defunded afterschool program at some schools in our area, without any reason. (Info) Senator Andrew Gounardes has not been able to explain where the funding went and restore it. How will afterschool be funded at the new schools, where there isn’t enough funding for existing schools?
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