Parking for Rent in Bay Ridge

Finding a parking spot in Bay Ridge can be a nightmare sometimes.
Here are some places that rent parking by the month in Bay Ridge:
August 2024 Update:
1) 73rd and Narrows Avenue – $325 (Info)
2) Bay Ridge Municipal Parking 501 – 86th Street has monthly parking for $225 a month. Open everyday from 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM only.

3) Parking Lot at 9201 – 4th Avenue – next to Harbor Fitness Info here Cars – $249.15 a month or SUVs – $294.45 a month plus 10.375% parking tax

* For daily parking here: Park Pro System appeared on Groupon for parking for $15 – see here
4) Century’s Department Store 415 88th Street Brooklyn 11209 $249- $294 a month.
4) Verrazano Service Center (the Gas Station)- 9111 – 4th Avenue Brooklyn 11209 $250 a month 1
5) The Bridge-Hamilton Building at 10031- 4th Avenue had a huge sign that they had parking spots available.
6) 7901 Forth Hamilton Parkway, corner 79th Street has a parking lot for $225/mo ($200 month if you pay for 6 months, $175 if you pay for 12 months). Bus stops in front. Subway is about a 15 minute walk.

More parking in Bay Ridge here
Brooklyn Market does not rent out spaces in their parking lot – parking is for customers only.
Sometimes jokes online are only half joking:
Sunset Park
1) 3rd Avenue and 54th Street has an enclosed lot for $180 a month next to the store on the corner.

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