PS 331 is Now the Detective Wenjian Liu School

Photo: Mayor Adams (From Here)
Mayor Adams, Police Commissioner Caban, City Councilmember Susan Zhuang and Detective Wenjian Liu’s wife, Sanny and daughter, Angelina cut the ribbon for the school at 6313 – 13th Avenue. (See story here) This school is at the back of the former Angel Guardian home.
Commission Caban shared this beautiful picture:

Detective Wenjian Liu and his partner, Detective Rafael Ramos were shot to death in their car in Bedford-Stuyvesant in December 2014.
Some people wanted to know why the school wasn’t named for both men. Detective Liu lived in this area. When a police officer dies, usually the community where they lived honors the officer (like Bay Ridge does with the Chris Hoban Run each year).

Steven Chan’s photo. He’s with Detective Liu’s parents.
This is also the first school in Brooklyn to be named after an Asian American. City Council Member Susan Zhuang said this “is not just a simple name change, it’s a reminder that generations to come will be given an education rooted in civic leadership and values that Detective Liu held so close to his heart.” (Source)
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