A Lot of Commotion at FDR High School Today

NY 1 News
In December, NY 1 News shared the statistics about about the large increase of weapons at FDR and Murrow High School.
Today, the Police were at FDR High School at 5800 20th Avenue Y this morning and stuck around all day!
Metal detectors were setup to check the students as they entered the building.
The NYPD has to know that they aren’t going to catch most of the street-smart high school students. Why? The wait to get into the high school is a half a block long when there are metal detectors. Any students who didn’t want to be discovered would cut school for the day or hide the weapon in a nearby location.
On December 15th, FDR was locked down, but after the lockdown they announced they didn’t find any weapons.

In July, a 15-year-old teen, Faridun Mavlonov, was shot and killed on 20th Avenue. (Info) As far as we know, the shooter has not been arrested. (Info) Several articles wrote that the shooter was a student at FDR. (See here)
No politicians took action in the Summer, so the problem seems to have grown.
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