Drag Racing in Bay Ridge Isn’t Being Dealt With – Too Many Leaders Taking Photos
Senator Iwen Chu is a state representative of part of Bay Ridge. She acknowledges that local businesses are impacted by the drag racing, but she and other local politicians haven’t done anything about it…except take photos.
In 2021, Andrew Gounardes passed the Sleep Bill and Andrew told us that would stop the drag racing. The bill was ineffective and just became a topic for Gounardes to tweet about, rather than to take action.
The DEP is putting sound meters in communities. (Info) Maybe the solution is to get rid of State Senators and use department experts for community problems. State senators don’t seem to care about quality of life issues and just take photos.
Senator Chu’s bills this year were weak and didn’t target existing problems in Bay Ridge or Dyker Heights. (See here)
If you read through her bills and didn’t know Senator Chu, you wouldn’t be able to tell she is a representative in Brooklyn.
We have more leaders representing Bay Ridge, but no new solutions.
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