Why is Bill Colton Protesting in Sunset Park? Susan Zhuang Should Be Leading This.
Later in the day after the first protest with Ying Tan, Assemblyman Bill Colton and NYC City Council candidate, Susan Zhuang protested today against 60+ male migrants being placed at the Sunset Park Recreation Center on 7th Avenue and 42nd Street.
Why is Assemblyman Bill Colton there? He doesn’t represent this area. He should have let Zhuang lead on this.
While the Sunset Park pool remains open, the Sunset Park Recreation Center is closed to the community.
This has upset people because children and adults use that center and many have paid for membership (while it is low cost, the people said they were not told about this change).
Brooklyn has Iwen Chu and she was led by the existing male politicians. People aren’t receiving the communication they need from Chu now. Politicians need to speak for themselves, especially at rallies in areas they want to represent.
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