Here’s Brannan Blabbing To Insiders – Video

Councilman Justin Brannan was recorded making some strange statements at a fundraiser with Democrats on Saturday.
@JustinBrannan was talking about himself being fake&Selling out his community at the BK young Dems Fundraiser on 8/5/23. Vote for @AriKagan47 this NoV. @JerryNYC54 @AlBeachGuy @BayRidgeBully @askjbrsj @queenoftheclick @gtjco @SamAntar @JCAndersonNYC @johnrennhack @enforcelawsNYC
— Christopher Leon Johnson(Leon Christopher Johnson) (@Chrislejohnyc) August 6, 2023
The group Brannan presented to is a political group that supported WaiYee Chan, a woman who lives in Queens.

The Brooklyn Young Democrats supported Wai Yee Chan because she worked for Justin Brannan. Not one member of the Brooklyn Young Democrats thought that the new Asian District needed to be represented by an Asian living in the area (or at least Brooklyn!)
So they a probably all buying Brannan’s speech.
But if any of them did a little research, they would know that Brannan sold out Bay Ridge with the Nathan’s school deal. (See here) No one should be personally benefitting from a community school.
When the information came out to the public, why didn’t Brannan‘s wife, mother or community members tell Brannan to stop him after the Nathan’s fiasco?
The second school deal on 5th Avenue and 88th Street showed we have a larger problem in our community. (See here)
This May, Community Board 10 voted against a high school school on Ovington Avenue because of many unanswered questions. (Info here) Brannan said he is going ahead with it.
Justin Brannan is no longer is working WITH the community.
If Brannan was working with the community, he would have gone to Community Board 10’s meeting with School Construction Authority and answered every CB 10 members questions.
We should have seen Community Board 10 take the next step in blocking Brannan’s move. CB 10 response = silence.
Years ago, if Justin Brannan saw a video of an arrogant politician talking the way he is talking, he would have mocked him. #TimesHaveChanged
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