Justin Brannan Revealed to a Facebook Group That He Is Proceeding Against CB10’s Vote

In a private Facebook group today, Justin Brannan posted the graphic below stating that he added a high school to Bay Ridge.

One person questioned it because Community Board 10 voted against the high school. Brannan responded:

Community Board 10 is on Summer Break, so why would Councilman Brannan think it was appropriate to make that announcement?
Did Jaynemarie Capetanakis, the chair of CB 10, know and not tell Bay Ridge? Why did members of CB 10 waste their time attending multiple meetings about this? Why didn’t Brannan attend the meetings and get the answers for the community?
Fort Hamilton High School is overcrowded and this school is not going to alleviate the overcrowding. Other locations were given, but the School Construction Authority did not explain why those locations couldn’t be used.
Community Board 10 voted against that location because the representative from the School Construction Authority wasn’t able to answer simple questions. All high schools are able to have students exit to two streets – not this location!
There are three other schools on Ovington Avenue, so this is a terrible location for a high school. (Info on the meeting) The red arrows in the picture below are where there are schools. The yellow arrow is the proposed location.

Brannan’s last two schools were a fiasco because an unregistered lobbyist was able to influence these locations because of Justin Brannan. (See here) Why didn’t Brannan’s friends or wife tell him that wasn’t appropriate to do to our neighborhood?
This school wasn’t well-planned because Brannan announced it as an elementary school on TikTok on December 13, 2022 (see photo below). Community Board 10 didn’t mention the school until months later and then the process was rushed.

Corruption is choking Bay Ridge and a lot of silent people are allowing it. Aren’t we all tired of it?
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