Community Board 10 Voted Down the High School Because of the Poor Location

Councilman Brannan wanted to put a high school on Ovington Avenue, where the yellow arrow is in the picture above. There are already three schools on that block.
Fort Hamilton High School in Bay Ridge needs an annex because it currently has 4,580 students at the school. Only 500 students are in the zoned program for students in the area.
One CB 10 member thought it was strange that members wanted to make sure that another school helped Ft. Hamilton High School.
Community Board 10 wanted the Department of Education to choose the Santander Bank location and build an annex to help Fort Hamilton. The president of the Community Education Council in our area gave alternate locations in areas of District 20 where schools were needed.
One person asked who owns this building. CB 10 said, “NYC owns it.” This was not said at any other meeting. The site should be given to PS 30 because they are next door and the school is renting space in an apartment building.
Community Board 10 Members voted overwhelmingly against the school because they had only 45 days to respond and the project manager was not able to answer many questions about the new building.
Most of Community Board 10 voted against the high school at this location. One CB 10 member who voted for the new school spoke out during the meeting, but he didn’t know that Ft. Hamilton was still a great school.
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