RIP Norman Fruchter – Hit by a Car in Bay Ridge While Walking His Dog
On December 22nd at 10:15 pm, Norman Fruchter was hit by a vehicle on 68th Street and Bliss Terrace in Bay Ridge. (Source)
**Take Action for Norman – see here
Norman Frutcher was walking home from Owl’s Head Park, with his dog, when a Hyundai Elantra drove up the block in reverse and hit him. Frutcher lived on Bliss Terrace.
Norman was brought to the hospital with a serious head injury. He died in NYU Langone on January 4th.
Streetsblog wrote that someone saw the surveillance video and that not only did the driver drive in reverse, the drive also drove forward and hit Norman again. How awful! (Source)
Norman Fruchter was 85 years old. Norman was an educational equity leader and activist. His contributions to this city are written about in huge articles. (Here and here)
Not one leader in this community spoke out for Norman. Most of Bay Ridge doesn’t know this happened. We are getting information about our community from people outside of our community! (Streetsblog) Why do we elect people, who are unable to communitcate with and for the community?
Lev Fruchter just lost his father and he is speaking out because he doesn’t want it to happen to anyone else. (Source)
This story gets a lot sadder……Norman’s wife, Rachel Fruchter was killed by a reckless driver in Prospect Park twenty-five years ago, while riding her bicycle in Prospect Park. (Source)
RIP Norman. Prayers for Norman’s children, they deserved a better response from this city.
The police did not charge the driver who killed Norman – not even for driving up the block backwards! Norman’s children have had to go through both their parents being killed and no one being held responsible.
When Norman died, our elected leaders should have pushed the District Attorney, to charged the driver for reckless driving and negligence, which caused Norman Fruchter’s death.
Politicians aren’t doing their jobs and they are hiding the deaths of our neighbors. By December 23rd, everyone in our community should have been told about the accident.
Politicians are too concerned with making bills for lobbyists, rather than street justice! How does a person who has driven in reverse drive away from an accident?
American Traffic Solutions (the red light camera company that issues tickets) is winning in our community and throughout this city because politicians think technology will stop reckless driving. It isn’t doing anything, but making money for the city, for the company and the politicians who have accepted their donations. Streetsblog noted that there is not a crosswalk to help pedestrians
Streetsblog needs to adjust their thinking and stop “endorsing” candidates who are failing Brooklyn communities. (See here and here)
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