Why Did Andrew Gounardes Accept $23,600 From a Family Whose Business Made Millions During Covid-19?
In December, Senator Andrew Gounardes had a holiday party where he asked people to give $125 to $5000. (See here)
Gounardes accepted two $5000 donations from the Tebele family in December and January.
In July, Gounardes and the Bay Ridge Democrats announced a another fundraiser. This time, there was a birthday party for Andrew. The Tebele’s each gave $6,800 to max out their contributions to Gounardes.
It’s strange that the Bay Ridge Democrats didn’t mind that Gounardes was accepting these large donations. Why would these millionaires be interested in a senate election in Brooklyn?
The Bay Ridge Democrats endorsed Bernie Sanders – not Joe Biden, so many are socialists. I’m surprised they are okay with Andrew accepting these donations.
Andrew Gounardes knew he didn’t need to represent Bay Ridge this year because he got money from some millionaires for doing nothing.
For years, Andrew gave excuses on why he couldn’t fix the discrepancy in property taxes:
Andrew said he was waiting on de Blasio, then Andrew was waiting for the property tax commission to come back. He introduced a circuit breaker bill with a Bay Ridge resident, but Gounardes didn’t do anything to move that bill either. This year, Gounardes had all the information and still didn’t take action for his community.
From Bay Ridge to Marine Park, families have overpaid in taxes because Gounardes didn’t want to help them.
Brad Lander, who pays less than half the property taxes of Bay Ridge residents, is Gounardes’ friend. Lander claims to be a socialist. (See here)
During Covid-19 Charles Tebele made millions selling COVID test kits to Kathy Hochul. (See here) It’s been in the news a lot because there were no bids for this contract. The Tebele’s gave $300,000 to Hochul’s campaign. (See here)
Tebele also made money selling Mayor Bill de Blasio masks. Part of the contract – 91 million dollars was cancelled because the city decided to order a different ventilator model. (See here)
The Tebele’s have been donating to de Blasio for year. Bill put Tebele on the board of the Economic Development Corporation. The EDC has control over huge projects, which cost a lot of money.
Candidate Max Rose also accepted donations from The Tebele Family. When they gave Rose these donations, the gerrymandered district matched the district that Andrew was going to run in. The new district is waterfront property.
Who is Andrew Gounardes helping? Not Brooklyn!
Topics: Bay Ridge | 1 Comment »
August 1st, 2022 at 7:42 am
Looking forward to reading it.