Why Was $608,000 Allocated by Councilman Brannan to Maimonides Hospital?

Councilman Justin Brannan never told Bay Ridge that he allocated $608,000 to Maimonides Hospital.

In the newspaper, Councilman Brannan presented Maimonides opening at the Old Victory site as “A WIN FOR THE COMMUNITY.”
It’s good that another hospital will be in the area, but it’s not a win when tax payers money went to fund the hospital.
In the newspaper, Brannan is quoted as saying, “This a colossal win for our community and something we’ve been working on together for quite a while.” (Source)
Councilman Brannan did not tell Bay Ridge that he was lobbied for money for Maimonides Hospital.

Other NYC council members who were lobbyists contacted for Maimonides also allocated money to Maimonides including Councilman Eugene, Maisel and Brad Lander totaling 1,582,000 plus the $608,000 gave the hospital over two million dollars from NYC taxpayers.

Strangely, Maimonides Hospital is described as a non-profit hospital. Nonprofit hospitals do not pay federal income or property taxes. Why did they hire lobbyists to get tax dollars from communities?
We are just coming out of a pandemic where NYC was hit pretty hard and NYC funds should not be given out like this.
These Council members were also lobbied the previous year (2020):

Why is everything in NYC controlled by lobbyists?
When Justin Brannan ran for office, Justin told us he wasn’t going to be involved with lobbyists. Almost every project and vote makes us check the lobbyist database. (See here)
Was Maimonides Hospital having money troubles that they needed Brannan to give them this money?
From 2011 – 2019, Maimonides annual reports showed the hospital is making money! (See here)

For 2021, Councilman Brannan allocated a million dollars for an office renovation for his project and never said anything about it either. Strangely, no paper has reported about this.
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July 11th, 2021 at 1:13 pm
Hospitals had to do well from insurance companies in 2020.
Is there anything we can do to stop them from receiving this money?