A Million Dollars Was Given For An Office Renovation…But Not For a Government Owned Building

How come no one mentioned the office renovation that costs $1,120,000 ?

Over a million dollars for an office renovation?!!
When I saw it, I thought it was a mistake, so I refreshed the screen. You can see it here – choose capital funding and type in Brannan.
I’m not sure what type of renovation would have a $1.1 million dollar price tag, except if they are tearing down the building and putting up a new one. (And adding marble and gold to the building!)
Why didn’t Councilman Brannan mention this project?

The building hasn’t been purchased for the community, so I am not sure what happened here.
The building is owned by the non-for-profit group. Acris shows a churches name and NIA years ago, but now it’s just NIA.
This $1.1 million dollars is over the funding given for the programs. NIA also received this money:

Bay Ridge does not have a community center and it looks like this is the reason why!
If the building was government-owned, like this one on 86th Street, the use of over a million dollars for renovations would be understandable.

We are in a global pandemic, NYC doesn’t have money, but there is over a million dollars for an office remodeling? I don’t understand why Brannan would think this would be urgent when there are people having trouble just eating and living right now.
Topics: Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
April 13th, 2021 at 8:11 am
Are you attempting to provide a public service by these comments? It’s just so one-sided. You found a bunch of info, made a guess as to what’s going on, and implied something with no facts. It’s irresponsible. You didn’t even speak to the office of the elected officials.
April 13th, 2021 at 3:01 pm
One-sided? I shared information that is printed online.
This is a project no one has spoken about. Justin Brannan has a newsletter, newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, etc. At no point did he inform the community about the project. Why?
To see that much money was spent on an office building is pretty sad. We are in a pandemic and people don’t have basic needs in our community. We should have seen Brannan overfund food pantries like Reaching Out Community Services and Grandma’s Love – he didn’t. Here’s the link – check for yourself.
It’s also interesting that you said I didn’t speak to him. I have tried speaking to Justin Brannan about issues that have been important and he doesn’t listen.
When I have spoken with Justin Brannan about a situation, he wasn’t honest to me. When the politicians overrode Community Board 10’s decision, I heard from people outside the district about it. I defended Brannan because I thought he was an honest person. I went to Justin and told them what I heard. He said it wasn’t him and he blamed Gounardes.
Justin isn’t the person who we thought we elected several years ago.
To use over a million dollars on a building that NYC does not own is not a good use of this community’s money. Taking that building to the ground and putting up a new building would not cost $1.1 million, so let me know what does cost that much when you find out!
In the off chance that you come back here, you should probably request how money was spent in this community in past years. You would be surprised!