NYPD Rally on Saturday, July 11th in Dyker Heights
Dyker Heights wanted to show support to the NYPD.
Rally in support of @NYPD #DykerHeights. Join us tomorrow in #BayRidge pic.twitter.com/hwVk28j15W
— DPD32163 ?????? Trump2020 ???????? (@Diana32163) July 11, 2020
This morning, several hundred people showed up on 13th Avenue to let the NYPD know they are appreciated during this strange time.
Several hundred people at this pro-cop rally in Bay Ridge, comparable density to other protests of the last month, but the mask ratio is closer to half or two thirds. pic.twitter.com/NHpJhCZ3Dr
— Nick Pinto (@macfathom) July 11, 2020
People of various cultures marched and chanted: “We love the NYPD”, U.S.A., and “Back the Blue,” while carrying US or the NYPD blue and black flag. There were some white Trump/Pence flags too. Signs said, “Defend the NYPD.”
This huge event was run by people in the community. Critics of the event tried to twist it and say it was run by Blue Lives Matter.
Blue Lives Matter parade for 10 blocks through the safest neighborhood in Brooklyn. This is why I don’t trust polls. pic.twitter.com/AKlEcXxypq
— Rob Christensen (@RobLovesBagels) July 11, 2020
People who didn’t appreciate NYC Council’s move to “Defund the Police,” held up signs to defund NYC Council as they walked to 86th Street.
Great turnout for the #BackTheBlue rally in #DykerHeights Brooklyn today.
Community came together & marched side by side with our @NYPDnews & @NYPD68Pct
No sign of Cowardly Anti Police Local Politicians @RepMaxRose, @Sen_Gounardes, & #Antifa Supporter @JustinBrannan.
— NYCResident (@resident_nyc) July 11, 2020
Disappointingly, there was no Democratic elected leaders present. They knew this wasn’t a Blue Lives Matter event. Showing up for the community is important.
Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis was the only elected who showed for this event. Malliotakis has been unwavering about her support for the NYPD over the years.
Leading the charge at today’s march in Dyker Heights #Brooklyn in support of the #NYPD and the USA???????? Massive crowd! Thanks to all the New Yorkers who came out for law and order & public safety! pic.twitter.com/mRd7JDDH20
— Nicole Malliotakis (@NMalliotakis) July 11, 2020
There was a lot of cheering for the NYPD and people were happy – to be together after these long months.
Proud of our always State Senator Marty Golden! #DykerHeights #BayRidge #Brooklyn #SupportNYPD pic.twitter.com/du0u7cbufP
— Nicholas Chamberas (@NICKBKNYUSA) July 11, 2020
There was a small counter protest of about 20 – 30 people. Here the NYPD had to step in, but this nonno was ready to take them all on! See here too
from the blue lives matter rally in dyker heights brooklyn just now- our counter protest was corralled in by police, multiple of us attacked by residents/neo nazis and ALL LIVES MATTER enthusiasts followed us when we re routed to leave. violent from the minute we arrived pic.twitter.com/60poSuVc0M
— van (@vcav) July 11, 2020
The socialist group in Bay Ridge, BRSJ stated that this march signaled it was a KKK event because there were three elevens.
Antagonistically, protesters stood on the side of the street and chanted “Go home racists” or called people they didn’t know ‘white supremacists.’ #NotGood (More callouts heard – see here) That’s not helping. This doesn’t help the BLM movement.
BRSJ stated that the timing of the event on July 11th at 11:00 am and that the march was set for 11 blocks, were three elevens which signified the KKK. Many people realized this was a way to fear monger the community, so they wouldn’t support the NYPD march. (UPDATE: The socialists didn’t explain that the KKK number is 33 – the three 11’s add up to 33 and that is a known KKK number – see here) The date and time may have been a coincidence, but the 11 blocks are because that’s all there is from 75th to 86th Street.
The police sectioned off the protesters. See here When people passed the protesters, some men supporting the NYPD march were angered by their signs and chants. Ugly words were exchanged. (WARNING FOWL LANGUAGE: ugliness here) The NYPD supporters from the community didn’t see most of this until they saw the news that evening. This is what the event looked like to the people in the front of the march:
Rally to back the blue today in Bay Ridge @News12BK pic.twitter.com/y8KtgA8Suq
— Zhané Caldwell (@ZhaneCaldwell) July 11, 2020
Some of the counter protesters were worried that those who supported the police would take photos and would be able to identify them. See here Five people were wearing helmets, goggles, face coverings and some had knee and arm supports (seen below).
It’s a bit much to show up in a neighborhood dressed like Antifa.

It’s obvious this wasn’t the sewing club that showed up in helmets to counter protest. NYPD supporters thought the helmeted people were there to have a brawl.
The counter protesters weren’t seen as peaceful protesters, especially the person in the red scarf.
WARNING: This video is not work or family safe (wear headphones as the language is foul)
I’ve lived in the neighborhoods next to Dyker Heights my whole life and I have never heard of any KKK activity. My friends live there now and never heard this either. This person wrote about the area on Twitter today:
A lot of false info on #Bensonhurst & #BayRidge
Moved there when I was 13 & not once did my family & I ever face racism
Do racist ppl live there? Yes. But racist ppl live in many different neighborhoods
But those 2 neighborhoods are diverse. Dont stereotype based on a few ppl
— Chow (@SimplyChow) July 12, 2020
We couldn’t find anyone who heard of the ‘three elevens’ before. K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet, but there was very little information online about three K’s. But this can’t be left out as it’s part of the history of this event.
7/11 at a Blue Lives rally, counter protesters in support of BLM movement and victims of police brutality were atta Jed by local residents. Womxn where told to “go get raped.” People were cursed, kicked and assaulted. This is white supremacy in Amerikka pic.twitter.com/mmTK7AwUxn
— Fight Back Bay Ridge (@FightBackBR) July 11, 2020
Some of the people who marched on 13th Avenue this morning also marched in the BLM protest in Bay Ridge a few weeks ago. It isn’t BLM OR the police for Dyker Heights. A Dyker resident said it best: “Any sensible person thinks what happened to George Floyd was nothing short of murder.”
The counter protest was political for the left as well. When I looked for this event on Facebook, it was posted to a group called “New Yorkers Against Donald Trump.” It did not appear on Black Lives Matter group until much later in the week. Was this about black lives or Trump?
Bay Ridge for Social Justice is also counter protesting the event to support the NYPD in Bay Ridge tomorrow. That event is not run by Blue Lives Matter and it’s on July 12th in the evening….so how will they relate it to the KKK?
Brooklyn protesters march in support of the NYPD in Bay Ridge #nypd #defundthepolice pic.twitter.com/Luq1XclVt3
— barely informed with elad ??????????? (@elaadeliahu) July 11, 2020
At the end of the day, no one was seriously hurt (this journalist was injured and her camera was too), the police know that people appreciate them and black lives matter. Black lives will always matter because black children live here and we want them to have a good life without oppression.
Update: In the evening, Councilman Brannan came out against the Republican politicians, who participated in the march because of inappropriate remarks made by people at the march. See here People realize why Brannan lashed out. See here
Update 7/12: I didn’t hear about the reporter who was injured/had her camera destroyed until today. She followed a resident and he grabbed her camera. Watch how fast police on bikes are there to help!
I am very grateful to the neighbor Zena P. who filmed it. pic.twitter.com/szfE9z3tvk
— @SCOOTERCASTER (FNTV) (@ScooterCasterNY) July 11, 2020
Here’s all the press coverage of the event: ABC (incorrect Avenue given), CBS, Channel 1, NBC, Newsweek, Daily News, warning: video starts playing when loaded: NY Post
Topics: Dyker Heights | 6 Comments »
July 11th, 2020 at 4:04 pm
You left out the part about these white people who then attacked a much smaller group of counter protesters.
Why didnt you include that if you believe in law and order?
July 11th, 2020 at 8:03 pm
I was not at the rally (or any Black Lives Matter rallies) as my husband is high risk and I don’t want to be the person who gives him COVID.
I’ve mentioned on here that my husband had stomach cancer. He also had an extensive surgery on his leg last Fall, so I’ve been trying to keep him safe because I don’t want to be without him.
I have added videos and links to videos of everything I found.
July 12th, 2020 at 8:33 am
I was there, and I witnessed, firsthand, a LOT of angry, white men attack peaceful protestors, people whom they had literally just assaulted, using plenty more “fowl” language promising violation of women’s bodies and physical harm to us, just because we were STANDING THERE, practicing our first amendment rights, as clearly and repeatedly affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States, expressing our opinion that the NYPD, the institution, condones racially discriminatory policing methods that treat people of color as “guilty” before ever assessing any actual facts (and by “condone”, I mean, regularly sweep under the rug the clearly racially-motivated crimes of individuals acting under the protection of their blue suits, while destroying the lives of POC communities, families, and individuals). And when you say you have added everything you found, you’re actively misrepresenting what actually happened, because you haven’t even posted what’s up on NYPost, Daily News, etc, which, if you have an internet connection and aren’t actively avoiding looking at links that don’t agree with the abuse, you cannot miss. Also, human beings were hurt, and also ended up at the ER – the peaceful counter-protestors, who were assaulted by the cowards who hide behind the police (yes, the officers literally stood there and saw people being assaulted, and said nothing, while the NYPD in charge kept shooing away people they didn’t want to have to arrest… a nicety not afforded to peaceful BLM protestors throughout NYC and POC residents of Dyker Heights and the rest of NYC – an irony lost on all of the people calling us “pussies” and calling on us to come at them after NYPD stepped in to protect them from getting arrested for, again, physical assault)
July 12th, 2020 at 11:54 am
The 11 blocks from 75th (Bay Ridge Parkway) to 86th street is from one major street to another. Saturday the 11th was a weekend day. I doubt the 11 o’clock starting hour had any significance either. What paranoia! Also it’s FOUL language. A fowl is a bird.
July 12th, 2020 at 12:35 pm
Darla, I wrote this blog at noon yesterday. I added videos on my phone throughout the day as I saw them. I added Jay’s video where he put the words the man said on top of the video, just in case it wasn’t clear for anyone. If you read the blog, you would have seen I wrote a huge warning to parents.
I have to say that I am impressed by local police at the protest. The have been directed well. The police have to let both sides have their say. You can see some of the officers just wanted the event to be over because they don’t want to touch anyone – there is a pandemic going on. Is there any videos of officers ignoring assaults? In every video I saw, they assessed and then reacted.
The News and NY Post were not published at the time I wrote this (around noon), nor did I see anyone link to them or I would have too. I’m not into half stories like the local press. After all the politicians and drama are gone, I will still be living here. If you included links, they would have been published too.
I didn’t hear of anyone being hurt or I would have shared it. (Why did I miss it? The reporter who was hurt wrote this at 2:00 pm and used Bay Ridge instead of Dyker Heights so I didn’t see this: https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1282010764749017091).
If you were there for the BLM movement, why did protesters focus on the people, rather than the message. Many people told me that the protesters were chanting racists and white supremacists at people or the police. That doesn’t advance the BLM movement.
July 12th, 2020 at 12:41 pm
Dehumidifier, I didn’t think anything about the date or time. And the 11 blocks are probably just a coincidence, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be checking for 11’s in the future!
Sorry about the wrong fowl…I use a voice program while I am doing other things in my house and sometimes I don’t catch errors, but I always welcome corrections!