Things on Third is Closing

Things on Third at 7815 – 3rd Avnue is closing. So sorry to see this gift shop closing, but the owner is going to continue sell customized items through their page
The owner, Angela wrote this:
Dear Friend,
It is with a heavy heart that I send this Letter to notify you that Things On Third will be closing it’s doors.
Beginning Today February 26th all regularly priced merchandise will be 25% off and Christmas is 50% off. In addition to the merchandise all of the furniture, shelving and fixtures will also be available for purchase.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported Things on Third for the past three and a half years. I have been working in brick and mortar stores for 18 years and it has been a pleasure being part of the Bay Ridge community. While getting to know you and your families, I have developed many lasting friendships and for that I am eternally grateful.
Although this chapter of my life may be closing this isn’t farewell. I plan to continue my custom work. Please look out for me on Facebook. ** Angela Arena or my like page Things On Third.
There are no goodbyes… see you soon.
Your Friend,
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