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October 31, 2019

Holy Angels School is Closing


Holy Angels Catholic Academy  is closing. Before it was named Holy Angels, it was Our Lady of Angels. Anytime someone said the name of the school, all I could think of was this story.

Saint Anselm Catholic School at 365 83rd Street will be renamed to Bay Ridge Catholic Academy and house students from both schools. It’s nice that it is being renamed for the students, but members of St. Anselm Church are not as happy with the renaming. Those renaming the school are doing the right thing by the children attending the schools.   

A lot of people are upset about the schools combining because the community was not told or involved in the initial discussions. We heard whisperings about different schools closing the area, but couldn’t confirm with anyone. They knew since at least early September that they needed to downsize.  How do I know it was from September?  They registered the domain name for the new school:





So the Board of Directors from the schools has been talking without the community for awhile. At the informational meeting, they showed a video and Powerpoint…..and that just angered the parents more. If a new school is being made – why not involve the parents whose children go to these schools?  Politics is playing a role here of course, so the best thing the new school can do is have an election for a new board. Parents can insist on it because because being transparent is important now.

Years ago, Saint Anselm had two full classes on each grade level – 30 students each. When I saw their June 2019 graduating class picture, it was obvious that a change was coming. Mayor de Blasio’s pre-k program is popular there.   

There have been rumors about Catholic schools in the area closing, but St. Patrick’s is still doing well and thriving! Their curriculum is modern, every student from grades 4-8 has an iPad and the students in early childhood share one. St. Pat’s offers three Regents classes to their 8th graders. Finally, the building is well-maintained and has a new gym and is air-conditioned. St. Pats is not closing or combining. St. Ephrem and St. Bernadette’s are also still open.

What about Heartshare and Treasure Island who use the Holy Angels school building? They will probably continue to rent space – maybe even more space!  There’s also the Bay Ridge Summer Sports and Theater Camp there which will continue to rent the building as parents love that affordable option.

Although it will be in the St. Anselm building, it will be a new school – which is good for everyone! New schools revitalize education and the combining of these communities will be good for Bay Ridge as well.





Topics: Bay Ridge | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Holy Angels School is Closing”

  1. Jelisa Says:
    October 31st, 2019 at 11:11 pm

    Holy Angels has a better building a bigger cafeteria and a bigger gym and brand new auditorium,why they are using the excuse that st Anselm will be a great location?? People drive from everywhere and what guarantees that everyone will attend the new school?? People need to speak up and make them use Holy Ángels building it’s much better

  2. Chris Says:
    November 2nd, 2019 at 10:53 pm

    Wow have things changed. When I went to St. A’s (1969 grad) we had 3 classes in each grade of 50 students with just one teacher (usually a nun.) I can’t even imagine that in these times.
