Man Exposed Himself to Girls on 10/3 in Dyker Heights – Told About it on 10/22

A man driving a car on Thursday, OCTOBER 3rd exposed himself to two 11 year old girls near 72nd Street and 12th Avenue while they were walking to school in the morning. Story here and here
The man called the girls over to his black Dodge pick-up truck, with a cover on the back. When one girl approached the car and saw he was exposed, she ran away. It also happened to another girl a little while later.

Three weeks later (October 22nd the news shared it) we are being told about it. Parents have a right to know this information when it happens. And telling the community should be something required, not optional. We have all these means of sharing information, but the 68th precinct waits until weeks later to tell us.
Why doesn’t the police release this information even to a local paper after the incident happened?
This is how they keep their statistics low – pretend it didn’t happen.
Local politicians didn’t say a word either. People need a heads up when things like this happen. Why is it so secretive?
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