Senior Citizens in Bay Ridge or Nearby in Bklyn

Senior Centers
- Fort Hamilton Senior Recreation Center – 9941 Fort Hamilton Parkway 718-439-4296. Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. This is the best deal because it’s $25 for a yearly membership for those 62+ and they have events every day – (See Schedule of activities here) They have fitness, cards, crafts, mah jong, bingo, dancing, etc.
- Bay Ridge Center – 15 Bay Ridge Avenue 718-748-0650 Mon-Fri 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Be there by 11:30 am. Day trips, exercise classes and computer classes – see calendar here. Food panty available on the last Wednesday of every month at the 411 Ovington Avenue entrance 10 am – 3 pm.
- Bay Ridge CONNECTS, 7609 3rd Avenue, is open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for benefits assistance, borrowing books, sharing ideas, and in-person programs. Online calendar of events: (See here)
- Narrows Older Adult Center 930 53th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 has classes for meditation and jewelry design. 718-232-3211. Monday to Friday 8 am – 4 pm. See their menu here.
- Bay Ridge Corps Senior Club 252 86th Street (this is the location for the Salvation Army). They meet on Tuesdays at 11:30 am. This is the group in May 2023 – see here (you can tell they had a good time!)
- Amico Senior Center at 5901 13th Avenue. 718-972-1558. (Website) During weekdays an average of 200 seniors convene together for nutritious meals, cultural activities and the chance to keep in contact with friends. If you like dancing, this is the place for you. They have lectures, crafts, games, parties, bingo, yoga, Latin dance lessons, belly dancing. ping pong, international folk dance, tai chi, aerobic dancing lessons, karaoke, celebrations, trips, music therapy, sing-a-longs, concerts, social services assistance, supportive counseling and referrals. Some volunteer at the center and answer phones, serve meals and help to maintain the daily functions of the center. AARP Smart Driver Classes. The Amici Senior Center is partially funded by the New York City Department for the Aging, which provides services for seniors throughout the New York City area. No fee. Lunch weekdays.
- The Lodge Senior Center 7711 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214
- Bensonhurst Senior Center 7802 Bay Parkway. Monday to Friday 8:30 – 4:30 for 60 years old+ Daily activities are offered in the areas of fitness, cultural arts, and education. Activities include dancing and dance instruction, tai chi, yoga, Zumba, computer classes, lectures, art, Talenteers Performance Group, Mahjong, English conversation classes, parties and trips. Lunch is served at 12 pm- suggested donation $1 718-331-6800 ext. 173
- Homecrest Bensonhurst Senior Center – Congregate Hot Lunch; Health and Wellness Promotion; Medicare D Enrollment; Music Group Singing; Arts & Crafts; Tai Chi; Ping Pong; Mah-jongg; All-day bus trips; Ballroom Dancing; English As Second Language Class; U.S. Civics Class; Birthday Parties, Cultural Events; Social Adult Day Care (SADC); Community/Educational Workshops; Voter Registration; Cards and other table games
- Amico Eileen Dungan Senior Center 138 Bay 20th Street 718-621-7960 718-596-1956 – Lively group – see pictures 60+ Bingo; Lunch; Yoga Exercise; Blood Pressure Screenings; Latin Dance Lessons; Belly Dancing for Fitness; Ping Pong; International Folk Dance; Tai Chi; Aerobic Dancing Lesson; Karaoke
- Mill Basin Senior Center at 2065 East 68th Street has a Kosher Lunch. They have a lot of events. (See here)

- Sunset Park Neighborhood Center 4520 4th Avenue 718-210-1050 more information here
- Recreation Centers $25 for the year – see here (pools that are included)
AARP – Chapter 3630 – their site
OnGoing Events
- Seniors in Touch Program – everyday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9000 Shore Road 718-630-7588
Activities Include:
- Morning coffee hours
- Modified Yoga and Tai Chi
- Crafts, painting, sculpture and more
- Games, music, poetry and entertainment
- Day trips to museums, local restaurants and more
- Inter-generational programs
- Educational events
- Health education and wellness programs
- Saint Patrick’s Church

- Saint Anselm – 365 – 83rd Street 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Bay Ridge Center has yoga on Tuesday morning. All levels welcome (And men you can go to this too)

- OLPH Circle of Friends – 11:00 am – 3:00 pm on Tuesdays at OLPH 552 – 59th Street or other entrance at 545 – 60th Street BINGO. Lunch is at 11:00 am – $4.00 *New members call Sr. Lucille to reserve a spot – 718-492-9200 ext. 168.
- Saint Finbar Golden Age Club 1839 Bath Avenue 11 AM – 3 PM in the parish center. Coffee and cake are served. Open to all.

- Saint Anselm Arts and Crafts Club 356 – 83rd Street in Meletia Hall 10 am – 1 pm.
- Play cards and bingo at St. Ephrem’s Friendship Club meets every Wednesday from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm at St. Ephrem Catholic Academy at 974 – 74th Street. Membership $20 for the year.

- Saint Anthanasius’ – Golden Age Club – meets at 12:45 pm in the school auditorium. All Golden Agers are welcome to join!
- Crochet and Knitting Club 11 am – 1 pm at the New Utrecht Library 1743 – 86th Street
- Learn Latin Dances for Older Adults 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm at the New Utrecht Library 1743 – 86th Street. Learn the salsa, merengue, bachata, cha cha cha and tango.
- Free Yoga Classes on Thursday in the Gym at Holy Angels (3rd Avenue and 74th Street) from 10:15 am – 11:30 am
- Our Lady of Angels also has the Leisure Club which meets at 12:00 pm on Thursdays.
Saint Finbar also organizes many Atlantic City trips throughout the years:

Annual Events
- January – Senior Cinema – BA< offers seniors 65+ free admission to repertory classics, with complimentary popcorn and soda.
- June – Senior Prom
- September – Senior Idol – singing contest
- Monthly trips by lottery – Bay Ridge Center
Adults 60+ can take free classes at Kingsborough Community College My Turn Program $80 for the two semesters. See here

- Audit a Class at Brooklyn Collge for Senior Citizens (60 and Older) Senior citizens 60+ can audit undergraduate classes at Brooklyn College (info here). Senior citizens register in the Enrollment Services Center and are required to present proof of age. The following are acceptable for proof of age: Medicare card, driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, or birth certificate. Senior citizens may audit undergraduate courses only. Senior citizens pay $65 tuition and a $15 CUNY Consolidated Services Fee, per semester.
- Free Computer classes the New Utrecht Library 1743 – 86th Street 1:30 to 2:30 on most Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Work in the Saint Anselm Food Pantry 82nd Street and Fourth Avenue – First and third Wednesday of the month – 10 am to 1 pm. Contact Pat 718-986-8738
- If you like gardening Narrows Botanical Garden – volunteer here If you don’t like gardening, you can be a greeter at NBG!
- If you don’t mind cleaning, Owls Head Park – see here
- If you like working with children, Saint Pats Read to Children Program – St. Pat’s School – seniors read to children in K and first grade. Meeting on Wednesday, October 18th at 9:00 am in the St. Pat’s Academy Library
- If you like cats, volunteer to help at Itty Bitty Kitty
- If you want to help other seniors, Shore Ridge Cares 336 73rd Street – visit or call 718-238-7734
Meal Deliveries
- Meals on Wheels – more information here

- Holy Cross Homemade Meal through their “Outreach on the Go” program. One Saturday a month. Contact Father Gerasimos at Holy Cross in Bay Ridge 718-836-3510
Apply for NYC Snap Food here

Food Pantries in the area:
Pantry | Address | Open On |
Bay Ridge Center | 411 Ovington Avenue | Last Wed of every month 10 AM to 3 PM |
St. Andrew’s | 6713 Ridge Boulevard | 718-680-1010 |
Our Lady of Angels | 336 – 73rd Street | Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. |
St. Anselm | 82nd St & 4th Ave | First & Third Wednesday 10 am – 1 pm |
St. Pats | 96th Street & 4th Ave | 718-238-2600 |
Reaching Out | 7708 New Utrecht Ave | Large food pantry Info here |
Saint Finbar’s | NYS Farmers Market Nutrition Vouchers |
Senior Housing
**There is a shortage of housing for seniors. It isn’t right that the city they helped build doesn’t have affordable living for them.
1. Shore Hill Housing 9000 Shore Road Brooklyn 718-745-4730 558 apartments (325 efficiency apartments and 233 one-bedroom apartments) for residents 62 or older. The person’s income can not to exceed HUD’s limit and must pass other screening criteria per the Tenant Selection. In order to be eligible for an apartment a person must have an active application number on the Waitlist. The waitlist is closed at this time; applications are not being distributed or accepted.

5. Other affordable housing apartments in Brooklyn
6. Catholic Charities has senior housing in Brooklyn – see here
7. Subotnick House – 2164 78th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11214, is a senior citizen apartment building that provides 70 studio or one-bedroom rental units to qualified applicants. Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, applicants must meet Section 8 income guidelines and be at least 62 years old to qualify. Info
8. Alternatives – see here
SCRIE – SCRIE is a program for tenants who are at least 62 years old and who have a total annual household income of $29,000 or less and pay more than one-third of the household’s total monthly income for rent. SCRIE stands for Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption. For more information and an application – see here
Have you ever thought about Home Sharing? New York Foundation for Seniors can help locate someone to share a home with. See brochure 212-962-7559

Utility Company’s Programs for Seniors
- National Grid – Gas Co- has information here – this program and this program

- Con Edison – Electric Company – CONCERN Program for Seniors 62+ Info here: 1-800-872-8846
For Con Edison, you can switch to a Quarterly Billing Plan if your Con Edison bills are less than $420 a year, you can arrange to receive bills once every three months rather than once a month. They continue to read your meter monthly, although you’ll receive bills only four times a year–in March, June, September, and December.
For Con Edison, if you have a permanent disability, there is a discount. To enroll, call and ask for the Special Services application. Fill out the application, attach a copy of your Social Security or Supplemental Security Income award letter and mail it to the Con Edison office for your area.
- HEAP – Home Energy Assistance Program – They also has free air conditioners in the Summer months.

Cell Phone Free & Low Cost
- Assurance wireless – free if you receive social security
- Consumer Cellular – low cost phone under $25 a month
- Safelink Wireless
Discounts on Certain Days for Seniors
- Bay Ridge AARP – discount to join as well. More info here
- Alpine Movie Theater – $7.00 tickets for Seniors 60+ with ID – all the time (regular tickets $10)
- Walgreens has 20% off for Seniors on Tuesdays. Seniors are those that are 55+. The AARP card can be used with the Walgreens card.
- Rite Aid – 20% off the first Wednesday of each month 65+ and must be a RiteAid Card member – here
- Met Fresh – 96th Street and 4th Avenue – 5% off on Thursdays (check this)
- Bronx Zoo – free on Wednesdays
Veterinarians with Discounts for Senior’s Pets
- Animal Clinic of Bay Ridge – 689 86th Street – 10% discount. 718 833-0700
Reading Material
– Large print, audio or braille religious reading material is available through the Xavier Society for the Blind.
Other Services
- Hairstylist that comes to your home – Kerri Johnsen – different fees for different things (coloring, styling, etc)
- Someone to put in your air condition – Shore Ridge Cares 718-238-7734
- Someone to change light bulbs – Shore Ridge Cares 718-238-7734
- Someone to pick up your mail – Shore Ridge Cares 718-238-7734
- Nurse to check in on you – Shore Ridge Cares 718-238-7734
- Shovel your snow – In the beginning of Winter, call the Councilman’s office and register to have your snow removed after a storm 718-748-5200
- Saint Pats has volunteers who can help.
If you have a business with a discount for seniors, leave it in the comments and I will post it up. Comments don’t post automatically.
MTA Bus in Bay Ridge to get Metrocards
Bay Ridge at 86 St & 4 Av | 2nd & 4th Fri | 10:30 AM – 1 PM |
Bay Ridge at 7408 5th Avenue | 1st Mon | 1 PM – 3 PM |
Are you (or a relative) homebound?
- If you are home-bound or hospitalized, but still want to receive the communion, contact Saint Pat’s Rectory to arrange for Communion calls 718-238-2600. This was their ad:

- Saint Ephrem:

- St. Athanasius has volunteers who visit from their Minister of Caring 718-236-0124
- Holy Cross Shut in Ministry
Doctor – Dr. Richard Funaro – my husband hates doctors, but loves Dr. Funaro. 50 Bay Ridge Pkwy 718-836-6330. Dr. Funaro discovered cancer in my husband at a very early stage and it was removed immediately.
Podiatrist – Dr. Mario Genovese – 7715 4th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-748-7474 (makes home visits for elderly patients)
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