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I'm the Queen of the Click..Brooklynite taking over the world from her computer. MCSE, Martha Stewart Wanna Be.

February 7, 2019

Does the Brooklyn Conservative Party Communicate With Each Other?



This week, the Secretary of the Brooklyn Conservative Party asked on social media if anyone knew who I was.

Jerry Kassar knows all of my information. Kassar was Marty Golden’s chief of staff and even has my e-mail address and phone number.


Fran knows me too.

Since I wrote about Bruno as the placeholder candidate, I imagine he knows who I am as well. I don’t know him at all; nor would I want to know someone who thinks doing that in our community elections is okay.  I didn’t write about Bruno because I was “being mean,” I wrote because I was (and still am) shocked that men (and some silent women) think it is okay to control OUR COMMUNITY’s election because they think it is THEIR election and no one else matters.   I was never so happy to see someone lose.

Either the secretary has been living under a rock or no one in her party talks to her. Sometimes people talk on social media so much that they forget to talk to people like people.  Putting a finger out and yelling at a community meeting is not appropriate – even if you are upset or passionate. When did people start treating people like this?   

Many Republicans in the area aren’t fans of the Conservative Party, so they let me know that Nancy and John Quaglione’s sister were having an online conversation with Ray Denaro.  Denaro, a Republican District leader doesn’t like that I wrote that he supported Steve Saperstein, who admitted to taking money from developers at a Xaverian meeting. BUT IT WAS TRUE so I am not sure why he is mad that I wrote about it.  On Twitter, Ray said the developer was Saperstein’s relative. Readers of this blog say that money from family is marked with a different code.  If a politician is related to a developer, that’s even more reason for someone not to vote for them!  Denaro as a District leader should have withdrawn his support from Saperstein, but he didn’t.   Many in Dyker Heights wondered why Fran didn’t speak up for Dyker Heights?



This week, John Quaglione’s sister wrote to Ray and Nancy. I guess she thinks it is classy for a candidate to be quietly supported by a PAC, especially if it is her brother. The Quaglione’s values are different than many Brooklynites as most people don’t want PACs ruling in their community. Did John Quaglione’s sister find it admirable that the placeholder candidate and backroom deal was for her brother who couldn’t win an election on his own?  Eighteen thousand dollars went from John Quaglione’s money to Golden’s family business – should everyone in the community look away and be silent as if it didn’t happen? This woman is a mother in this community and doesn’t see anything wrong with any of this, except that I wrote about it SMH.  Many wondered why Fran was silent while all this went on.

Ironically, the only one who was honest about the placeholder candidate was Mike Long. Long threw Jerry Kassar under the bus and said, “Gerry was aware of it, he’s naturally aware of it because it was his county that ultimately had to make the switch — I had nothing to do with that part of it, I’m not a delegate.”  Eighven after this was said, neither Kassar or Quaglione had the decency to apologize to the reporter, Julianne Cuba.  That’s straight out mean-spirited pols who didn’t own up to what they did. 



Why is it so hard for people to do the right thing?  When someone does the wrong thing, why can’t they own it, instead of pointing the finger at everyone else?

Brooklyn Conservative Party – bite me!






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