Sanchos Restaurant in Bay Ridge Closed
Update: Sanchos re-opened on 10/19/19. The owner is new, but it is the same chef and the same menu. The place still says Sanchos, but the new owner called it El Sanchos. Friends posted their pics and everything at Sanchos looks beautiful!

Sanchos Restaurant is at 7410 – 3rd Avenue. It was an old skool Spanish Restaurant that has been in Bay Ridge for over 300 years.
I remember the former NYC Schools Chancellor, Carmen Farina said that she enjoyed visiting Sanchos Restaurant.
The owners of Sanchos are retiring and have closed the restaurant. Happy Retirement Celso and Camilo! Bay Ridge will miss you.
Topics: Bay Ridge | 2 Comments »
October 10th, 2018 at 12:00 pm
My friends & I spent many a memorable time at your fine eatery over all the years you’ve been there.
Congratulations on your retirement Celso & Camilo after a successful 35 year run. You’ll be. Missed!
November 18th, 2018 at 8:28 am
I lived in Bay Ridge for over25 years,my favorite restaurant. So today planned to visit my old neighborhood and discovered the closing of this iconic place. A piece of my heart was broken. Will miss them terribly.