Marty Golden More Pay to Play Politics
The headlines read:
Can’t Senator Golden stay out of the news for awhile?
Who is this bill for? Carmel Car CEO Avik Kabessa, a Golden campaign donor, said he’s pushing the bill in Albany.” (Source) WOW Kabessa is a huge campaign donor!
Senator Marty Golden’s bill 7833A is a backdoor attempt to overturn a New York City Taxi and Limousine (TLC) regulation intended to get wheelchair-accessible for-hire vehicles (FHV) on the road across New York City. Read it here
Fight for #accessible Taxis: Tell Your State Senators to Oppose S.7833-A (Golden)/A.6201-A (Pichardo) #a11y #CidnyFightsBack
How do I tell my Senator not to be an idiot when he is the one who made the bill?
Remember, Senator Marty Golden went to take pictures with Joe Lhota when the Bay Ridge Station was cleaned and received a few usb ports. He wasn’t outraged that millions was spent on beautifying three stations without making them handicap accessible – see here.
Marty Golden is known for his other pay-to-play bills – this year, here and here.
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