Richard Luthmann Arrested. Interest in Brooklyn?

Richard Luthmann got arrested this week. Luthmann is a Staten Island attorney. Normally I don’t write about Staten Islanders, but he had an interest in Bay Ridge and his story is like one our of a mob movie, so it’s worth mentioning.
Richard Luthmann was slapped with an 11-count indictment. WOOOO these are a lot of serious charges – see here. If he is convicted, he faces up to life in prison. Most people get out on bail while they await their hearing, Richard Luthmann and the men charged with him are all temporarily held without bail until defense attorneys make bail arguments next week. (Story)
I first heard of Luthmann in the Summer when there were reports in the paper that he had made a Facebook and was smearing several political candidate including Janine Mattera, a Staten Island Republican candidate who was running against Debi Rose. See here.
I also remembered seeing Luthmann was an attorney representing the Reform Party. Bob Capano and Sal Albanese were endorsed by the Reform Party and ran for office in Bay Ridge.
In November, I saw Richard Luthmann going back and forth with Conservative Party Leader, Gerard Kassar – see here If you look at Kassar’s current tweets, he shared the information about Luthmann and jabbed at Capano:
One thing that’s always telling is money. Who did Luthmann give money to? He gave it to Republicans, Democrats and Reform Party politicians
In the Bay Ridge City Council Election:
Richard Luthmann gave $175 to Vincent Chirico first (June 2017)
Then Luthmann gave $50 to Liam McCabe’s campaign:
Finally Luthmann gave $200 to Capano – first just $25, but then months later $175
What was Luthmann trying to accomplish by donating to all three parties? Why was he so interested in who the city council representative would be from Bay Ridge?
Luthmann also donated to Sal Albanese’s campaign, but Albanese was running for mayor and it would be normal for Luthmann to look at the mayoral race. He also gave money to other pols including Tish James.
Strangely, Luthmann is only 38 years old. I thought he was a lot older.
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