John Bruno Needs to Step Down From This Election

November 7, 2017 Update: Thank you for voting against the Placeholder Candidate Brooklyn! John Bruno did not get enough votes to become a judge. Bruno didn’t even get 10% of the vote. The man John Bruno was the placeholder candidate for didn’t win the election either.
It’s bizarre that a man who wants to be a judge in NYC participated in controlling the CD43 election.
The Conservative Party Placeholder Candidate, John Bruno should have stepped down after he saw John Quaglione told the scheme of “the Placeholder Candidate” to the newspaper over a month before the deal went down. We heard about the deal during the Summer.
We don’t understand how a man could think it’s okay to run for a position as a judge when he and his cronies are responsible for Bay Ridge having a controlled election? Bay Ridge isn’t Iran.
Mike Long, Head of the Conservative Party explained the deal in today’s paper and stated that Jerry Kassar was aware of the deal because he is the Conservative Party delegate who had to do the switch.
In order for the deal to happen, one man had to agree to be “the Placeholder Candidate” and sign the paperwork to be the candidate for both the Conservative and Interdependence Parties.
John Bruno needs to withdraw from the election because judges need to be ethical. The “placeholder deal” has taken away our rights to a free election here in Bay Ridge.
There is a picture of John Bruno here. The paper stated that Bruno was a Dyker Heights attorney. We saw that he serves on the Board of Governors for the DHCA Dyker Heights Civic Association. IRONICALLY, the Dyker Heights Civic Association’s slogan is Democracy in Action – Yet, there’s not much democracy happening in our election!
By now, John Bruno should have taken responsibility and stepped down/issued a statement to our community.
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