Nancy Tong – Being Used as a Revenge Candidate – Bay Ridge
May 2017 Update – Nancy Tong is Clueless about Bay Ridge
Today, the Brooklyn Reporter came out with an article stating that Nancy Tong was running for City Council in Bay Ridge. If you are in Bay Ridge and wondering, “Who the heck is Nancy Tong?” because you never heard of the name – you aren’t alone. Nancy Tong doesn’t live in our area. She actually lives in Mark Treyger’s area so she should be running to represent those people.
The United Progressive Democratic Club, which is supporting Tong, should have been backing Kevin Peter Carroll. You see this past Fall, Kevin Peter Carroll backed Mark Treyger and Pam Harris when they were running for office (even though Bay Ridge voted against both of these candidates!) When I asked Carroll about his support for these candidates, Carroll told me he backs who his club supports. Treyger wasn’t the right candidate to support because Treyger stood by as an elderly woman who owned property in Coney Island was intimidated with eminent domain to sell her property. I thought Treyger and Harris’ club were going to throw their support around Carroll in return. I was surprised to see the club supporting Nancy Tong as an opponent to Carroll, but now Kevin Peter Carroll can see how Treyger operates.
I distinctly remembered an article in The Brooklyn Daily Courier Life where Charlie Ragusa spitefully said that they (Treyger, Colton and Ragusa’s Club) would put up a candidate to go against Justin Brannan because it’s “tit for tat” with Ragusa (yes, a man really is quoted as saying that).
The United Progressive Democratic Club has a problem with other Democrats in our neighborhood. Politics here is just ugly. Mark Treyger should be leading the support for Bay Ridge’s strong Democratic candidate – Justin Brannan, but instead Treyger is putting an unknown Democrat up against a well supported Democrat. Why? Because Treyger knows how popular Justin Brannan is in Bay Ridge. Brannan’s popularity comes from his ability to easily help so many people. All Treyger did was confirm that he is a Bad Democrat. This is nothing new with Treyger – he has been called out for this publically.
Treyger doesn’t understand that the government is about the people and not him. I’m surprised Nancy Tong would participate in this – women are usually intuitive about what’s going on. Nancy probably doesn’t realize in this situation, she is just a pawn to the men at her club. The same club backed Pam Harris even though Harris wasn’t widely supported in Bay Ridge. August 2017 – Nancy is stepping on an Asian NYS Assemblywoman to get ahead – see here.
If Nancy Tong was a real candidate, she would have a bilingual website announcing her candidacy (there’s no website at all) and there’s not even a Nancy Tong for City Council page (or even a personal page for her). The only mention of Tong is a link to the newspaper article on Bill Colton’s Facebook page and this bit he wrote about her.
On Facebook there’s only one page for Nancy Tong and it’s an empty page. Nancy Tong.716
Everyone is on to Bill Colton. Bill Colton is the type of politician who likes to have his picture taken where he is throwing up his hands and yelling in a microphone. He loves to send off press releases so everyone thinks that he is “fighting” hard, but really nothing is happening. I’ve watched Colton for two years. Colton was ineffective at getting a waste station removed from his area. Colton’s only remedy was to take names for a neighborhood watch of the waste station (I am not kidding – see last line on this article). The only other things I have seen Colton do is give out turkeys to families on Thanksgiving and collect Toys for Tots near Christmas. I remember Colton and Abbate being mentioned in the news for his bill. The Asian community has come out against Colton before. If you want to see Colton’s press release politics in action – check this video (check his hands are up)
If Nancy Tong wanted to be our City Council member, she would have done something (really anything) in Bay Ridge. Tong would know Justin Brannan has been giving Bay Ridge everything he’s got and she can’t start now with press releases now because Justin has already been a leader here for years. Ms. Tong should realize she running in a gerrymandered district where people can’t get help and EVERYONE goes to Justin Brannan (even Republicans go to him).
FYI Ms. Tong, Bay Ridge Cares is having a Pancake Breakfast on February 11th – maybe you should go and feel the pulse of Bay Ridge. Bay Ridge Cares is an organization that Brannan helped to establish years ago to help people outside of Bay Ridge during Hurricane Sandy.
How do I know Nancy Tong wouldn’t be a good city council representative of Bay Ridge? Nancy Tong works as Assemblyman Bill Colton’s constituent liaison. I reached out to Bill Colton two years ago and never heard back. I called him several times and e-mailed him and I didn’t receive any response – not even a polite form letter saying that Colton received my message. Tong hasn’t done anything on her own to show she is even interested in being a leader (outside of her job as community liason).
A newspaper states that Nancy Tong lives in Bensonhurst. So why is she running to be my councilwoman and not running against Mark Treyger? Gentile’s council seat covers all of Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights.
As far as being a voice for Asian Americans, Nancy Tong didn’t support Asian activists last Fall. I didn’t see Ms. Tong throw her support behind two passionate Chinese Americans who wanted to take part in the process: Warren Chan or Billy Thai. Actually Tong jumped on him and repeated Colton’s press release politics to try to embarrass him.
Bay Ridge already has a fantastic leader – Justin Brannan! The man is always working to help people in Bay Ridge. I do not know him personally, but I see how much time he takes to listen and help people.
Mark Treyger stop playing politics in Bay Ridge and act like a leader in the Democratic Party instead of a divider. Treyger go take care of the polluted water in Coney Island.
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