The Art Room Closed on 3rd Avenue – Open Online

The Art Room closed for the pandemic and recently announced that they won’t be re-opening their brick and mortar location at 8710 – 3rd Avenue. They are still in business online as families are purchasing art kits to to continue learning. Covid-19 and social distancing will cause many businesses in this area to close. Art Fun Studio recently closed as well.
The Third Avenue Merchants mentioned that The Art Room was on 3rd Avenue for ten years.
The Art Room intends to open another place with an outdoor space in the future. Source That will be good news to many children and parents who love the owner and being able to create with her. The power is with the art teacher and this type of business could be set up anywhere – even temporarily, if needed.
The storefront is on Craigslist for $3500 a month. See here
Strangely, The Brooklyn Paper failed to mention that the owner, Leigh Holliday, is the wife of Councilman Justin Brannan. It’s strange that the paper’s editor, Meaghan McGoldrick left that out of the article, as she knows Brannan and is from Bay Ridge.
Good luck to Leigh – we hope to see you somewhere on the avenue soon!
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