Softball in Bay Ridge

Also see baseball on this list.
1. Dyker Heights Knights – For girls in 1st to 12th grade (ages 7-14). This team plays in the Fall too! They also have a softball travel team. One weekday practice a week – games in NJ on some Saturdays in the Fall.
They practice at the field next to VA hospital. They have their own field with lights and indoor training facilities. Coaches are encouraging and kind (also D1 pitching and hitting coaches).
Sometimes they have free clinics, so your daughter can try it out and learn about softball.
2. St. Pats. – St. Pat’s Softball for students in Pre-K to 8th grade. Registration and information here.
3.St. Anselm has several all-girls softball teams. (Lady Eagles, Falcons & Mets). They play at McKinley Park. Registration is here. St. Anselm has a popcorn division for younger girls in pre-K-1st grade.

4. Our Lady of Angels (OLA) has teams for PreK – 8th graders See their site for registration here.
5.Saint Ephrem – (Eagles) This is for girls 5-14 years old. Contact:
Cost: Around $100 and $50 for the uniform (shirt and pants)
6. Visitation Academy has a team called the Angels.

7. Grace Gravesend Softball – see here

8. SFX Youth Softball in Park Slope is for ages 5-15. They also have a softball travel team.
Softball Coach in Bay Ridge
9. East Shore Little League in Staten Island (see site here)

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