Reverend Khader El-Yateem Lives in Dyker Heights and Doesn’t Care What Happens in Bay Ridge

Reverend Khader El-Yateem is running to represent our area for City Council. He works in Bay Ridge, but he lives in Dyker Heights. An article published almost a week ago says he lives in Bay Ridge. Acris shows that El-Yateem lives in Dyker Heights. What bothers me is that Khader El-Yateem didn’t correct the article when he saw it contained the wrong information. I think most politicians hope we don’t notice. We have seen this Pastor be unresponsive to situations in Bay Ridge because he doesn’t live here. The author of the article said he would update the article with the correct neighborhood.
El-Yateem boasted to The Voices of NY that he supports affordable housing. I have never seen the Pastor speak out about any housing issues. His neighbors in Dyker Heights are fighting landlords who illegally divide their homes and are renting them out to immigrants. Unsafe living conditions have been created for immigrants and for the neighbors of the building. Did Reverend El-Yateem speak up for the immigrants? NO – he was silent. Khader El-Yateem hasn’t been fighting for fair housing for anyone in our area.
If El-Yateem became a city councilman, he would put this “affordable housing” in Bay Ridge because he lives in Dyker Heights and he doesn’t care what happens here. At the end of the day, he crosses the highway and is in a different area.
Please don’t tell me you support an issue because you want to get the big paycheck. Show me what you have done in the past that allows me to see that you represent everyone in a community – not just a limited group. The article highlights El-Yateem’s staff throwing shade at Councilman Gentile.
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