Tennis Lessons in Bay Ridge and the Surrounding Area
Tennis is such a great sport to learn because it is one that people play their entire life.
Free Tennis in the Park Program for Children

1) Our Lady of Angels advertised this tennis program in April 2021

2) Brooklyn Tennis Academy – (718) 745-7776 Steve Carberry. Steve teaches children in a 10 week program. He has classes for children 4 years old nd up adults at McKinley Park (and an indoor tennis court too). Private lessons available: 718-745-7776. More info: Brooklyn Tennis Academy

3) Bridgeview Racquet Club – 9000 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn. You can see a video of the inside here. You can rent a court here for an hour for $25.00.
4) Kings Bay Y has Tennis Classes

5) Court 16 – 526 Baltic Street Brooklyn between 3rd Ave & Nevins Street (718) 875-5550
Tennis Club for children 3 – 11 years old – Lessons Facebook page
6) Matchpoint 2781 Shell Avenue Brooklyn – exit 7 on the Belt (718) 769-0001
Matchpoint has a Junior League 19 weeks long – begins in September and ends in January. Children are placed in groups of four with other children who are at the same level (not by age so there are some younger children in each group). Sessions go from September -Decemeber and then January to June. Quickstart program for older students. They also rent courts.
Lessons for children age 3-15 and adults too.
The instructor will meet you at For Greene Park – DeKalb Avenue and South Portland Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11201
$32 a lesson for small group lessons – lessons are shorter for younger children
8) New York Junior Tennis and Learning Community Tennis Program – free summer program for tennis – several schools in Brooklyn. You have to register at the school in which your child will attend – some programs only take the students at their school.

9) Prospect Park Alliance has lessons for children and adults.
10) Court 16 at 526 Baltic Street has tennis lessons for children 2.5 to 15 years old. You have to become a member first and then you pay for private $98 an hour or group classes $58 an hour – see here They also have camps.
11) McCarren Tennis – has classes for children 3 to 17 years old. They also rent indoor courts by the hour (you can sign up on the site)
12)Poly Prep has a Summer Tennis Campfor children 3.5 to 15 years old. It was $3,025 this year and includes lunch.
13) 10 and Under Tennis Program – at various places in Brooklyn
14) Poly Prep had lessons in the Fall. Bill Martire was teaching them. E-mail Christina for more information: at
15) PS 264 has a free tennis program in August.


Did you know that to play tennis in a NYC parks, you need a permit – even kids! Click here to get the permit.
Other Sports & Activities for Children in Bay Ridge