Competitive Swim Teams for Children in Bay Ridge 11209
Swim Teams in Bay Ridge or in Brooklyn
Updated: August 2024
There are CYO Swim Teams and USA Competitive Swim Teams for children who know how to swim. If you need swim lessons click here.
A) CYO Teams – CYO = Catholic Youth Organization. You either have to live within the zone for the team, be a part of the of the school or a member of the parish. These rules are intended to prevent one team from having a stacked team of children that choose one team over the other. It is all non-sectarian, but they are community programs encourage the team experience for everyone in the community while simultaneously improving swim ability.
There are 3 co-parish teams within the Bay Ridge/ Dyker/Bensonhurst/Bath Beach area. STEP (St. Ephrem/ St. Patrick), OLAN (OLPH/ St. Andrew) and ANSOLA (St. Anselm/ OLA).
1) STEP = St. Pat’s/St. Ephrem’s CYO Swim Team
Their CYO district includes: St. Bernadette, St. Finbar, St. Francis Cabrini, Mary Mother of Jesus
and Most Percious Blood.
Practice is at Fort Hamilton High School Pool. Registration is online in July- $300
Boys Swim Team – grades 2-9
Girls Swim Team – grades 2-9
2) ANSOLA = St. Anselm/OLA CYO Swim Team – you do not need to go to St. Anselm or OLA to swim on this team, but you need live or attend religious instruction in this CYO district which includes: St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis, St. Guadalupe, St. Athanasius, St. Dominic and St. Simon & Jude.
Cost: $210 (Money is returned if a student does not make the team) Register
Boys in grades 1-9: September to December
Girls – grades 1-9: January to March
Tryouts are on September 20, 2024 at Fort Hamilton High School between 6:15 and 7:45 pm – for both the boys and girls teams. Swimmers will be told the time to attend. (Info)
The Boys Team will meet twice a week:
a) Tuesday evenings 6:30-7:15pm (Novice & Bantam, grades 1-5), 7:15-8:00pm (Juniors & Seniors, grades 6-9) @ Il Centro, FIAO
b) Thursday evenings 7:15-8:00pm ((Novice & Bantam, grades 1-5), 8:00-8:45pm (Juniors & Seniors, grades 6-9) @ Fort Hamilton HS
Swim meets are held on Friday nights at 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm beginning November 1. Attendance is mandatory.
GIrls Team
- Returning Swimmers: Regular practice will begin in late November and will be communicated via TeamSnap app. There will be two Friday night practices held in October at Fort Hamilton HS for new and returning swimmers
- October 4 & October 11 practices
- 6:15-7:00pm (Novice/Bantam grades 1-5)
- 7:00-7:45pm (Junior/Senior grades 6-9)
- October 4 & October 11 practices
3) OLAN – St. Andrew’s & OLPH CYO Swim Team (Website)
**There is room on this team in September 2024. Send an email to:

Cost: $300 – the season runs from September to April.
OLAN is a CYO swim team from OLPH (OL) and St. Andrew’s (AN) parishes (OL+AN=OLAN). Swimmers can belong to either parish OR any of these parishes in the CYO zone: St. Andrew’s, Holy Spirit, St. Frances de Chantal, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Agatha, St. Michael or St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis. “Belong” means you attend that church or the CCD – religious instruction through that church.
There are separate teams for boys and girls. There are 4 age divisions: Novices (2nd-3rd grade), Bantams (4th-5th grade), Juniors (6th-7th grade), and Seniors (8th-9th grade).
Boys practices will start on September 9, 2024.
Girls practices will start on October 16, 2024.
Practice and most meets are at Fort Hamilton High School.

B) USA Swimming Teams in the area:
1) Harbor Seals Competitive Swim Team at Fort Hamilton High School Swimming Pool on 8301 Shore Road
For Ages 7-12 Harbor Seals has been around for more than 20 years.
Fred Fritsch is the coach 347-267-9469
2) Freedom Aquatics Competitive Swimming Team – a swimmer should know all four strokes and be able to swim in a lap in a 25 yard pool. (Sign up to tryout here)
Tryouts are on Friday, August 23, 2024 and Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at Brooklyn Sports Club at 1540 Van Siclen Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11239.

3) Brooklyn Stingrays at Long Island University Athletic Center at 161 Ashland Place or International High School Prospect Heights (across from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden) at 883 Classon Ave,
Register for tryouts here.
MatchPoint also has swim teams (Info here)
Junior Swim Team: 8-12 years old
Sharks Swim Team: 10-15 years old
Senior Swim Team: 13+
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