Lacrosse Teams for Children in Bay Ridge
Lacrosse for Children in Bay Ridge
Updated:July 2019

Practice is on Sundays at Poly Prep – 9216 Seventh Avenue.

$335 for 10 weeks.
Register at the Brooklyn Crescents Website
Financial Assistance is available Facebook page
Supplies: girls from 3rd grade and up need goggles, a mouthguard and stick
Supplies: Boys from 3rd grade and up need: a helmet, a mouthguard, shoulder pads, rib pads (optional), arm pads, gloves, a protective cup and a stick
Travel Team: The Orange teams are the Travel Team for 9/10U, 11/12U and 13/14U – for boys and girls. The Fall season includes one weekend practice (Sunday) and one weekday practice per week at Poly Prep and several games/tournaments
They also have adaptive lacrosse.
Contact: Jen Nardi, Director 929 – 276-2252
2) Aviator Sports 3159 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 758-7500
- Lacrosse Team – plays April to May. They also have Lacrosse Clinics for children 6-12 and teens through adults play on Sundays.
- or call 718-758-7543
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