Flag Football and Football in Bay Ridge and the Surrounding Areas
Updated July 2021
Flag Football – where the player wears velcro flags to their jersey and a player from the opposite side has to pull a flag instead of tackling that player (see the red flags on the pic above)
1) St Ephrem’s flag football league Registration and other team information here.
If you have questions: kcklug@aol.com or fred@stephremyouthprogram.com.
The League has three divisions:
- Developmental squad – Age 6 – 8
- Novice (9 – 11 years old)
- Bantam (12 – 14 years old which is freshmen year) (Experienced 11 year olds may be moved up to Bantam to fill out the division)
The Developmental Squad’s registration for children born in 2015-2016 is open for 2021 here.
Tryouts for Bantam and Novice Teams is happening on June 23rd at the turf field at Fort Hamilton Parkway and 77th Street. See times below:

You can purchase team apparel (hoodies, sweatshirts and compression socks) at the shop online.
2) Dyker Heights Athletic Association/St. Bernadette’s Flag Football – For boys and girls ages 5-15 – Flag Football is played at the Bay Eighth field 1 and 1A and 17 Ave and Shore Parkway from Mid August to November (around $300) Registration

For more information: MCCARTHY@freehill.com
This league has teams for boys and girls ages 5-15. They play from September to December
Clinic – age five to six, learn the fundamentals of the game. Every Sunday
Three divisions:
Rookie – for seven and eight year-olds.
Junior Varsity – 9 – 11 years old (4th to 6th grade)
Varsity division, which runs from ages 12-15 (7th grade and up)

3) 78th Precinct Flag Football – They use local fields to play. $220 ($185 early bird registration)
Contact: info@78youthsports.org
78 Youth Sports offers flag football for co-ed players ages 7 – 16 years old. For Fall 2019, it cost $220 and includes:7-8 weeks of games, a jersey and 78 Flag Football Hat
Our Flag Football Program is divided into two programs:
Flag Football Fundamentals (ages 7 – 8). Learning the game.
Flag Football Recreational League (ages 9 – 16). Playing games.
4) SFX Flag Football in Park Slope – see site for 2021 information
Contact: Sean: sean@sfxys.com. If you can volunteer contact: jpsoccer@sfxys.com
They play in Park Slope.
- Rookies Division: Fee $200 Co-ed Ages 7-8
- NFC Division: Fee $225 Co-ed Ages 9-10
- NFC Girls Only Division: Fee $225 Ages 8-10
- AFC Division: Fee $230 Co-ed Ages 11-12
- AFC Girls Only Division: Fee $230 Ages 11-12
- NFL Division: Fee $235 Co-ed Ages 13-14
- Senior Division: Fee $240 Boys only Ages 15-17
5) Amity Flag Football (No update from this team since 2019)
For boys and girls from 4-21. $175 plus $45 for the jersey (it’s reversible) 2213 Brigham Street between Avenue V and Avenue W in Brooklyn – games are played on the weekend on the football field Rodney (347) 733-9137 or Cliff at (347) 242-6470
- Mite: Age 4 and 5
- Peanuts: Age 6
- Minors
- Majors
- Seniors
6) Aviator has a flag football team here.
7)Kingsborough College for Kids has a flag football/soccer program or flag football/wiffle ball program. $90 plus $25 registration Kingsborough College For Kids For children ages 7-13 – Classes meet on Saturday or Sunday $90 plus $25 registration fee.
*Staten Island has a team called 911 Flag Football
Tackle Football
1) Kings County Football Team – For boys and girls 5-14 years old. They play locally at the Dust Bowl on 65th Street and at New Utrecht HS Field
Cost: Free
Register here
2) Parkville Football – I haven’t seen a lot of activity from this group, but in June this came out:

For Children 4 – 13 (under 155 lbs) Tackle football with full gear. They play on the field on 65th between 8th and 9th (854 65th Street Brooklyn) They hold a training camp in August. It cost $280 to join. 10 games and an all star game August to November On Facebook
Need hip and thigh pads. Registration form to print out 718 -232-1086
3) Kings Bay has a Tackle Football team for children 5-14 years old. Practice is Sunday at 10:00 am and Tuesday nights at 6:00 pm. Registration is open here.