Boy Scouts in Bay Ridge
![]() | Cub Scouts:
Boy Scouts 11-18 years old 18+ Venture Crew
For more information about joining local scouting contact 212-651-2877 or
Updated July 2024
Scouting for most troops begins with boys in the first grade (some have a Lion troop for boys in Kindergarten)
Cub Scouts – grades 1-5 Info about cub scouts (7 – 11.5 years old).
Boy Scouts – grades 6-11 then Eagle Scouts run amazing projects in the community
Legends Sports Store at 8224 5th Ave sells the book and scouting uniform in Bay Ridge.
You do not need to be a student at the schools listed below. These are just the meeting places for the troops and any boy can go to any of these schools (as long as there is room in the troop).
1) OLA – Our Lady of Angels Boy Scouts – Between 73rd & 74th.St. and 4th Avenue – Enter on 73rd St

Cub Scout Troop 23 – this pack meets on Monday night from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Website
Troup 23 meets on Mondays at 7:00 – 9:00pm (Troop 23 Handbook)
Games, sports, adventures, fishing, hiking and camping
Registration- $125 (Registration includes: National Registration, Boys Life Magazine, Troop Hat, Neckerchief and uniform numbers to new Scouts) Discount for second child in the same family – $75 Plus the cost of a uniform
Contact: Tom Kramer KRAMERTOWERS@MSN.COM (Info from OLA’s site)
2) Boy Scouts at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (see calendar) Meetings held at 6935 4th Avenue at the Lutheran Church across from PS/IS 30. It’s for girls and boys – there are meetings every Friday evening.
Recruit dayis in August
Cub Scout Pack 518 Mary Gazella Giosia is the Cub Scout master. This is a co-ed family pack – boys and girls from kindergarten to 5th grade. This pack meets every Friday at 6:00 pm from September to June in the Fellowship Room – lower level of the Church Site
Troop 9318 meets every Friday at 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Fellowship Room – lower level of the Church Matthew Bartels Site Instagram
There is a $60 registration fee and monthly dues of $10 for Sept – June.
Boy Scout Troop 9318 meet every Friday at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room – lower level of the Church Facebook Instagram
Good trips and camping. The Eagle Scout Project from here isn’t as involved as other troops on this page.
3) Saint Anselm’s (Bay Ridge Catholic School) Boy Scouts – 83rd Street and Fourth Avenue Brooklyn 11209.
Monday Nights at 7:00 pm is for Boy Scouts Troop 13. Info Page for Troop 13 Facebook page
*There is a Cub Scout Troop 313 that meets on Tuesday’s at 6pm at Bay Ridge Catholic from October through June. Facebook page Register online
Register here $50 registration fee -early bird / $55 after Sept. 21 (does not include additional Scouts dues/costs and uniforms) (plus BSA costs/dues) UNIFORM: additional cost
Tuesday Nights at 6:00 pm is the Cub Scout Pack 313 meeting (for boys 10 or younger) Article about this troop
Saint Anselm Boy Scout Troop 13 – age 11 (6th grade) and up meets on Monday evening Register online This group allows girls as well.
The Eagle Scout Projects done by members of this troop are always highlighted in our local papers – like this one, this one, this one
4) Boy Scouts at Holy Cross Church – Meets at DGK School – 8502 Ridge Boulevard Brooklyn 11209 Scouting has taken place here for 45+ years.
There are Lions here (for boys in kindergarten!)
Cubs Scout Pack 715 – Meet on Friday nights at the school at 6:45-8:15pm. The Cub Scout dens usually consist of 8 boys each.
Boy Scout Troop 715 meets on Friday night at the school gym 7:30 to 9:30
Registration at DGK School at DGK School Registration is $100 plus camping fees. Uniform: cost around $130
Eagle School Troop 310 – Eagle Scout Project Working toward Eagle Scout
5) Boy Scouts Troop 310 meets at the Fort Hamilton Army Base
Troop Meetings Resume on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 7:30 pm!
For boys age 11 and up to Eagle Scouts Application
Meetings on Thursday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 (arrive at 7:15 pm) at Hamilton Post Chapel Activities Center (Building 219) – Bring photo ID to get on the base. Find out about this troop here Website Parent Guide here.
Registration is $60.00 troop numbers for uniform and this includes accident insurance, handbook. embroided kneckerchief and slide and Boy Scouts of America Subscription to Boys’ Life Magazine
Dues is $12 a month or $100 for the year (pay in October)
Uniform – around $70
MICHAEL SCARANO, Scoutmaster (718) 967-3051 Evenings
JIM CLARK, Committee Chairman (718) 745-1721 Evenings
BILL PETTET, Committee Member (718) 680-0158 Evenings
6) Boy Scouts Troop 20 and Club Scouts at New Utrecht Reformed Church 1827 84th Street 11214
Cub Scout Pack 20 meets Friday night from 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Boy Scout Troop 20 meets every Friday Night at 7:30 PM.
Contact: Elaine Delaney 917-715-2548 or e-mail:
7) OLPH Boy Scouts 552 – 59th Street Brooklyn 11220
Cub Scouts Troop 3563 Thursday meeting 7:30 – 9:00 pm for boy 7-10 years old Cubmaster: Juan Ferraro 718-492-5527
Boy Scouts meets every Thursday, 6 pm to 9 pm, in St. Gerard Hall at OLPH school.
8) Saint Athanasius Boy Scouts (St. A’s) 2154 61st St Brooklyn 11204
Wednesday night meetings at 7:00 pm for Troop 99/Pack 3099
a) Cub Scout Pack 99 meets Every Wednesday at Saint Athanasius School from 7PM until 8:30PM
b) Boy Scout Troop 99 meets Every Wednesday at Saint Athanasius School from 7PM until 8:30PM
Activities: Camping trips (including Ten Mile River at summer camp.), Halloween and Christmas parties, bowling, fishing, trips to the zoo, aquariums, movies, amusement parks and so much more! Eagle Scout Project and this one
**There is also a Venturing Crew here for Boys and Girls 14-21 – Come and learn skills that will last a lifetime co-ed venturing program for our parish youth, ages 14 – 20 years old which features high adventure and community service. Venturing crew – contact Anthony Cullen at 646.354-9084 or .
9) Pack 446 is looking for some new scouts to join. Meeting are Friday night 7:30 at William O Connor School on Avenue O and East 12th
10) Our Lady of Grace Boy Scouts – 385 Avenue W – East 3rd Street Gravesend Brooklyn 11223
Troop 376 Meets on Friday evenings at 7:30 PM Photos of events

Troop 376 in the Tablet
11) Boy Scout Troop 237 – 245 Prospect Park West Windsor Terrace Brooklyn 11215
Boy Scouts – 6th grade students and up
Meet on Thursday night between 6:30-8:00 PM Facebook
12) Boy Scout Troop 22 in Park Slope
Boys who are in the sixth grade or higher.
Meetings: Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:00 PM at St. Francis Xavier Lyceum 752 President Street (Between 6th & 7th Avenues) Brooklyn 11215.
The Troop will accept new members at any Troop meeting. Membership is open to boys of any religious faith. Boy Scout Application.
Registration fee $85; each new Scout receives a welcome kit which includes an Official Boy Scout Handbook and official Troop 22 polo shirt. Dues $50.00 per year (paid at the beginning) plus the cost of the uniform
13) Cub Scout Pack 187 at Brooklyn Prospect Charter School 3002 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn 11218
14) St Edmunds Troop 238. Meets Friday nights at 7:00 pm – Sept to June
Another type of scouting – FIFTH BROOKLYN SCOUTS
For boys or girls ages 5-18 Facebook Page
Started by a Brooklyn Dad because he wanted everyone to have a positive experience scouting! See story here
See Welcome packet Contact: GroupScoutMaster@5thBrooklynScouts.og
If you are in another section of Brooklyn not listed on here or Staten Island, you can find a Boy Scout Troop near you by searching here