Basketball Teams in Bay Ridge and the Surrounding Areas

Updated: Sept. 2023 (The season starts in October/November)
CYO stands Catholic Youth Organization. Your child does not need to attend these schools to play on these teams. CYO teams are parish teams and they are run by wonderful volunteers. Please try to understand that children from the parish will fill the teams first.
1) St. Pats CYO Basketball For children in Pre-K to 8th grade (grades 3-8 play against other CYO teams in Brooklyn and Queens)
Season: November to March. Registration in July
Clinic (PreK-2) – fundamentals/simulated games on Saturday mornings only
Grades 3-8 have weekly practices AND game days. All have playoff games, but 3rd graders
- Sub Novice (3rd Grade) – No scores or standings are kept. No playoffs. 3rd graders also participate in intramurals.
- Pee Wee (4th Grade) – Games have a referee and scoring. Weekly practices AND games.
- Novice (5th Grade)
- Bantam (6th Grade) – Games have two referees
- Rookie (7th Grade)
- Intermediate (8th Grade)
St. Pat’s team is in white and green.
2) Saint Andrew’s Basketball – since basketball is a Winter sport for Saint Andrew’s, the registration is available online in the Fall.
If you have questions or if you are interested in Coaching, contact Michael Stadtler at…M:240-205-4983 or Email:
3) Our Lady of Angels – OLA Basketball 7320 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209

For girls and boys in Pre-K to 8th Grade
Season: January to March – Saturday morning
Fee includes reversible OLA mesh basketball jersey
- Clinic – Pre K to 1st Grade learn dribbling, passing and shooting.
- Intramurals (2nd – 8th Grade) play games held one night per week at the OLA gym
- BCBA Travel Team boys and girls – grades 3 through 8 – competitive league, Tryouts are held for this team. Registration fee does not include uniform, which must be purchased separately.
4) Saint Anselm Basketball 365 83rd Street Brooklyn 11209 718-745-2027

Intramural Basketball November through March
- Grades: 1-8 Boys & Girls
- Schedules will be communicated on TeamSnap
- $130 early bird fee / $140 after Nov. 1 (includes tshirt)
Travel Basketball November through March
- Grades: 2-8 Boys and Girls teams
- Mandatory Intramurals sign-up (if you plan to play Travel, you must also register for Intramurals)
- Tryout required – A coach will contact you with tryout date and time
- Practices required
- $155 early bird fee / $165 after Nov. 1 (does not include cost of uniform, which will be collected after Registration)
Bill Harner Clinic – Fundamental skills training and scrimmages for grades 1-4.
- Grades: 1-4 Boys & Girls
- (4) one-hour sessions on Saturday mornings in the Fall 10-11 am
- Free
5) Super League Athletic Academy – SLAA– they meet at DGK School at 8502 Ridge Blvd. Check their site for basketball clinics during the year when there are school holidays
Little Dribblers for 5-7 year olds starts at DKG School $160 (early bird) $185 regular
6) St. Ephrem Basketball for Girls and Boys 7415 Fort Hamilton Parkway.
The price is good – $130 includes jersey. Facebook Page

7) Dyker Heights Athletic Association (DHAA) & St. Bernadette’s Basketball
Girls and boys age 5-13
Season: Late September to November (ends with a dinner and awards night)
Cost: $200 Registration
DHAA Travel team –$250.00 to $350.00 depending on leagues entered. Contact Bob Tarallo at
8) OLG Basketball – 718-259-9566
Basketball for ages 5-18 – boys and girls clinics, in-house divisions an travel teams
(Old flyer because I haven’t seen an updated one)

9) Saint Athanasius Basketball – 6120 Bay Parkway Brooklyn 11204 718-331-8811 $150 Basketball registration starts in October. Kids start playing in mid-November. Register here

St. A’s Facebook is alive and well though
10) Aviator’s Basketball Inhouse League 718 758-7547
For children Age 5-16 – Games played on Sunday
11) SFX Huskies is a fantastic team in Park Slope. Co-ed baseball and Travel team too.
12) Coney Island Basketball League

13) Kingsborough College 4 Kids has a class to learn to play basketball on Saturday
Summer Basketball Camps in Our Area
For boys and girls in grades 1-8
Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Lunch Plan (Optional): $9 Per Day includes Sandwich, Snack and Drink. Free Pizza for All Campers on Fridays!
2) Fontbonne Hall Academy Boys and Girls Basketball Camp for Boys and Girls ages 6-15
3) Poly Prep Basketball Camp – 2 sessions available
4) Brooklyn USA Basketball Camp at Seth Low Park – West 12th and Avenue P 718-751-6931
Ten-week basketball camp. Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – early dropoff and late pickup as well.Boys and Girls age 3-19
You can purchase lunch from them or bring your own.
5) Brooklyn’s Finest Basketball Training If your child needs practice and training, Brooklyn’s Finest runs basketball academies for boys and girls in grades 5-14 or 347-404-3657