Circles Cafe in Bay Ridge Closed – Electrical Outage
See June 26th Update here

The beloved Circles Cafe at 6931 – 3rd Avenue has been closed a few days due to an electrical outage.

Circles had moved to Ovington Avenue last April – see here
This is on their website:

There website address is: Yet there isn’t a catering menu on there. I only remember it being
Then I looked at the code to their website and in the code was: “Welcome to Circles Cafe – American Restaurant, Bay Ridge 11209, Circles Cafe Staten Island” (See here)
Circles Cafe Staten Island??
Is there a Circles Cafe in Staten Island?
I didn’t think so, but when I searched for it, there was a new listing for Circles West Restaurant. I don’t know if that place has anything to do with this Circles.
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