Champions Taekwondo in Bay Ridge

Champions Marital Arts opened on the corner of 93rd Street, where Navarro’s Hardware used to be: 9301 – 3rd Avenue. Kids and parents are going to love having this new place here.
Phone Number: 917-843-0376
Instructor: Master Chong (this place is related to the other Champions at 7005 3rd Avenue).

Cost: $60 a month for 2 classes per week. Your child can take a 10 minute demo lesson to try it out.
Groupon has a deal for Champions, but this store is not on the site yet (probably because it is new) – see here They also post deals on the FB page for the company – see here (like one month for $10 plus free uniform)
Last Summer, Navarro’s Hardware moved the larger storefront across the street (formerly Morris’ Pharmacy) at 9223 3rd Avenue.
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