Notary in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

When you have to get something notarized, you will ask where can I find a notary in Bay Ridge? And how much does it cost to have something notarized?
Notaries are all over 11209. Most notary publics are in banks, some pharmacies and some offices too. Did you know a notary can’t refuse to notarize something as long as you have proper ID?
Here are some notaries in Bay Ridge:
- Chase Bank will do it for free if you have an account with them
- TD bank does it for free for customers and non-customers – 8206 -5th Avenue opens at 8:30 AM – (Also 9904 – 4th Avenue)
- There are two notaries at Bridge Pharmacy – 8912 3rd Ave call ahead to see if they are in (718) 836-1400
- Bay Ridge Rx Pharmacy – 6910 – 3rd Avenue 718-680-2229
- UPS Store – 7105 – 3rd Avenue
- Neugard Pharmacy (718) 748-9301
- Globe Pharmacy 405 – 86th Street has a notary
- Bay Ridge Pharmacy – 8912 – 3rd Avenue (718) 836-1400
- Lincoln Brokerage – 8114 – 5th Avenue – free
It cost $2.00 for each page that needs to be notarized. $2.00 is the maximum they can charge because this is regulated by the state. Many years ago they used to be able to charge whatever they wanted, but this amount is regulated by the state.
Make sure to bring valid ID with you to get something notarized.
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