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About Me:

I'm the Queen of the Click..Brooklynite taking over the world from her computer. MCSE, Martha Stewart Wanna Be.

December 30, 2009


Trallie reminds me to take time to run, jump, relax and enjoy life. She’s a little dog with a big message.

And I am grateful that God gave me such a vibrant reminder.


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5 Responses to “Trallie”

  1. Dawn Says:
    December 30th, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    Love the sweater, the previous Santa costume gave me a chuckle. Guess what?! I have two mini dachshunds I adore in my Life. We tried dressing them a few times but they looked at us like we had lost our minds.

    A boy named Chester and a girl named Teddy. Both of them understand English and think they are real people.

  2. Theta Mom Says:
    December 31st, 2009 at 1:53 am

    Queen of the lcik, I had a blast reading through your 88 things about you! We have sooo much in common! I was teacher (elementary school) for ten years before I stayed at home with my kids. I’ve been watching Oprah for-ev-er and love Regis and Kelly, too! And your Trallie is so adorable!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Theta Mom- so glad you liked the term “Theta Mom.” I coined the phrase when I realized I myself was a combination of an alpha mom and a beta mom…and began my website centered around this idea. I look forward to blogging with you! :)

  3. Theta Mom Says:
    December 31st, 2009 at 1:54 am

    OMG-I didn’t edit that opening sentence. I meant to say “Queen of the Click!”

  4. Tracy Says:
    January 3rd, 2010 at 9:36 pm

    Oh your dog is so cute.

  5. Ashlee Says:
    January 17th, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    Your dogs are adorable! I had never had a dachshund before, but I have fallen in love with the breed! I so appreciate your advice…any other tips would be awesome!
