John Goldie Legget is Remembered in Bay Ridge

Memorial Day is a time people remember those lost in war. For some, this is very personal as they lost key people in their family.
Today, this young man was on 3rd Avenue in Bay Ridge during the Memorial Day Parade. He proudly held a beautiful handmade sign with the name John Goldie Legget.
The man was standing with a lot of people on the corner of 95th Street and 3rd Avenue. His demeanor was solemn and reserved. There was another guy with him. He had a sign which I believe had the Bible verse from John 3:16 (which is a great message as well.)

Who was John Goldie Legget? I had to go find out:

Leggett joined the US Navy. He was working aboard the Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack in Hawai in 1941. Leggett is among the men lost with the ship. His remains were not recovered.

RIP. Thank you John Leggert.
Leggert may be this proud Ridgite’s great-grandfather. The family of this man must have shared his stories. Eighty years after his death, John Goldie Legget is still honored and remembered!
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