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I'm the Queen of the Click..Brooklynite taking over the world from her computer. MCSE, Martha Stewart Wanna Be.

March 25, 2021

Bob Cassara and Heidi Chan-Sarantopoulos Are Ready to Lead in Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights (Updated)


Bob Cassara is running for Male District Leader and Heidi Chan-Sarantopoulos is running for female district leader of the Republican Party in District 46.

The election will take place in mid-June.

They are challenging the current district leaders of Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights, John Quaglione. Kerri McCarthy is not running for re-election, but Regina Potter has been said to filling that spot.

Bob Cassara is a good, good man. He tried working with leaders in this community, but Justin Brannan gave him the runaround about illegal conversions for year. Brannan played all of his usual tricks like writing letters that received no answers and putting photos in the paper to pretend like he was helping, but ultimately did nothing to stop illegal conversions in Dyker Heights. (See here)

Bob Cassarra formed the Brooklyn Housing Preservation Alliance. If you want to know more about Cassara, see here.

Heidi is a Bay Ridge resident. She is the daughter of Chinese immigrants. She is a Geek so she is going to work social media and get out the word. She is interested in quality schools, quality of life and helping small businesses. She is a mother and loves dogs.

John Quaglione needs to step to the side and let the Republican Party grow. He had his time and he didn’t bring anyone new to run for office. Our community needs both Republicans and Democrats because Democratic Leaders are only representing some people and not the whole community.

Cassara and Heidi are pumped and ready to make changes in our community. I love the diversity of this pair and I am excited for them! We don’t have any elected Asian leaders here – but we need them so that everyone is represented!


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One Response to “Bob Cassara and Heidi Chan-Sarantopoulos Are Ready to Lead in Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights (Updated)”

  1. anita Says:
    March 27th, 2021 at 8:38 am

    I’m excited too! We need leaders who CARE. Fingers crossed
