Hamzeh Alawadi’s Barber Shop in Bay Ridge

Welcome to Hamzehal Alawadi’s Barber shop. It opened at 8020 – 3rd Avenue in Bay Ridge. It’s next door to Little Weddings Works between 80th and 81st Streets.

I like when a new barber shop comes to the area.
Barbers are always so task-oriented. They set up the business, put up a sign, decorate the window and start cutting hair.

Congratulations Hamza, the barber!

This is nice looking barber shop.
Hamza does nice cuts for kids – see pics here

This storefront used to be Bay Ridge Yoga. In July we saw the For Rent sign as this studio was forced closed due to the pandemic. The owner was teaching yoga outdoors on Shore Road. *After the pandemic, we hope to see her back on the avenue.

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